Monday, August 26, 2019

ANOTHER SAMPLE (IF YOU NEED ONE) of utopian Leftist thought.
TONY PERKINS: The solution to gun violence is both obvious and light-years from the socialist menu.

Related: Mass shootings driven more by 'culture' than lack of gun control.
THEY KNOW IT'S ALL THEY'VE GOT LEFT: Why Democrats should be scared of a Supreme Court vacancy in 2020.
TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME: Searching for that special place in Hell.
THEY'VE GOTTA BE KEPT ISOLATED ON THE PLANTATION: Stanford pushes separate physics course for minority students.
PRACTICING FOR IRAN: U.S. confirms Israel behind air strikes on Iranian bases in Iraq.
BERNIE AND THE DEMOCRATS: How anger makes you stupid.

I disagree. The nouns should be reversed: 'how stupid makes you angry'.
THE TIMES, THEY ARE A'CHANGING and the cultural Left will be swept out to sea on a rising tide of sanity.
WHO KNEW? Marianne Williamson shows Democrats are a cult.
PRESIDENT TRUMP can't "order" a private business to get out of China. Oh?
GOOD RIDDANCE: Bias has killed the 'Gray Lady'.

Maybe Luciano could buy it. There's still loose change under the sofa cushions.
DUKE PSYCHIATRIST: Trump ‘May Be Responsible for Many More Millions of Deaths’ than Hitler, Stalin, and Mao.

That's quite an achievement for someone who's been in office just a bit over 2-1/2 years. I'd suggest psychiatric help, but....
THINK ABOUT IT: How do we stop driverless cars and autonomous delivery drones from becoming weapons?

Linked from Instapundit.
MORE WANTING to join the victim community. Clearly these individuals are nuts in serious need of psychiatric help. But if they reject help and insist on continuing, then let 'em. Just don't expect me to pay for it or offer sympathy.