Monday, July 04, 2022

FINAL THOUGHT: Happy Independence Day?

Or unhappy Dependence Day?
LISTEN TO MR. JEFFERSON read the Declaration of Independence.

And pay attention.
I REGRET EVER HAVING VOTED FOR HIM: Mitt Romney drops a dark, depressing July 4th message.

Our gentry sucks.
Lincoln's explanation of the meaning of Independence Day.

An excerpt from President Calvin Coolidge's speech on the 150th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence.
May next year be better. Regular 'programming' resumes tomorrow as I find time.
REQUIEM FOR FREEDOMS LONG GONE? On a more somber note, are we celebrating Independence Day? Or, are we celebrating that once, we were independent?

"Let’s not lament that once we were free. Let’s celebrate that we will be again." And with that I will go out and watch the fireworks.
ORDINARILY I ENJOY THE 4TH OF JULY, but this year, the first of the Biden Administration, has been, shall we say, disappointing at the least. Here are some examples:

NPR (National Public Radio) scraps its traditional reading of the Declaration of Independence to instead discuss "what equality means." Instapundit takes note: "When will NPR decide to end its broadcasts altogether to make amends for its flawed founding?"

Arizona Democrats promote 'Fuck the 4th' event to 'mourn' Supreme Court abortion decision. Eventually they deleted the tweet and 'kinda-sorta' apologized....

The City of Orlando said people 'probably don't want to celebrate' July 4th; they finally backtracked and the Victory Girls took note.

On a somewhat brighter note, PJ Media columnist Kevin Downey offers five tips on how to have fun and annoy your liberal neighbors.