Saturday, April 16, 2016

I ALWAYS wondered about that.
ANOTHER UNIVERSITY TO AVOID: No sex at the University of Washington.

Plenty of 'gender', though. Here's more (official) gender language than you ever wanted to know. You're welcome.
SCIENCE, THE NORTH KOREAN WAY: Bill Nye, “Science Guy,” open to jail time for climate change skeptics. Nye is a reminder that smart and credentialed are not synonyms. Neil deGrasse Tyson is another example of a credentialed ego who knows far less than he thinks he knows.
THERE'S EDUCATION; then there's special education.
SURPRISED? [Former Attorney General Eric] Holder participated in a coordinated effort to obstruct Congress on Fast & Furious.

No, I'm not. And neither will I be surprised when he gets away unscathed.
THAT'S WHAT OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY IS FOR: Sanders’ supporters want universal health care, free tuition but aren’t willing to pay for it themselves.
'RIGHTEOUS MORAL CRUSADE' is a euphemism for 'self-serving con job'.
HEH: Dozens show up for 'Million Student March'.

Epic fail. My guess is that the protestors won't work for less than the $15/hr minimum wage....
(THANKFULLY DEPARTING) SEN. BARBARA BOXER (D-UNHINGED) earns a PowerLine Green Weenie Lifetime Achievement Award. It takes aggressive stupidity to win a Green Weenie; to sustain that effort long enough to win a lifetime award requires a massive ego as well. Well deserved, Ms. Boxer.

Note: if the audio doesn't work, click on the YouTube link.
POPCORN makes it easier to bear.
DRONE RACES ARE COMING: 2016 US National Drone Racing Championships will be the first event streamed live.

Are those 'drone parts' littering the racetrack?
YES, THERE WAS ANOTHER DEMOCRAT DEBATE ON THURSDAY, summarized this way: [Former] President Clinton, watch out for Hillary's bus.