Wednesday, February 27, 2019

DEMOCRATS ARE AFRAID OF THE TRUTH because the truth will set us free (of their control).
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: Changing reality with words.

Newspeak is alive and well in the progressive movement....
HEH: My left shoe won't reboot!
JENNIFER RUBIN: Trump's rhetoric is giving people all the impetus they might need to commit violence.

Is Ms. Rubin aware that most of the violence is coming from the Left? So it's Trump's fault the Left is infested with violent bigots?
I'M RUNNING A LITTLE LATE THIS WEEK: Here is PowerLine's Week in Pictures from Saturday. My favorite:

Bonus: a cat anecdote: One of our cats was sitting patiently at the door to be let outside. As I opened the door, I asked the cat "Why don't you use your cat door?" (We have two leading outside). My wife jumped in with this comment: "Why should he? He has humans."

The cats aren't dumb. Why should they open a door themselves when they can have a human do it for them?

Except when it's not....
REP. ERIC SWALWELL [D(UMB)-CA] braved the elements last Wednesday to bypass a café inside the Trump Tower and opted to find another coffee spot in New York City.

And this clown thinks he could be President? He should change his name to 'Smallwell'; it fits better.
LEFTISTS ARE CRAZY - and violent. More violence here, here, and here.

The world they live in isn't even loosely connected to the one we live in. Example: MAGA hats will someday be viewed the same way as KKK hoods. Does this bozo even know the Ku Klux Klan belonged to the Democrats?

Why do we let these evil beings even in our schools, much less run them?
FIRST WE 'POUNCED' ON THEIR IDIOCY, then we seized it, and now we're exploiting it.

Perhaps if the Democrats quit being idiots, we wouldn't have to pounce, seize, exploit (or whatever's next) their idiocy.

She cracked the glass floor.