Tuesday, September 10, 2024

JD VANCE LIGHTS A MATCH to the tinder that is Kamala Harris' 'policies'.
NANCY IS FOLLOWING IN BIDEN'S FOOTSTEPS: Pelosi suggests '30%' of Republicans are racist, sexist, and homophobic.

Dementia ... or projection, in which case 30% is far too low.
THE LAST LEAVES OF SUMMER: Photos from around the house.
Today is absolutely gorgeous. If only this autumn day would stay forever....

My 'Falling Leaves 2024' series starts in 2 weeks. The sun is already getting lazy; rising after I do....
THE DEMOCRATS’ OPEN BORDER has started a countdown to a bloodbath.

My neighbor added to his weapons collection; I'm increasing my ammunition supply....
THEY'RE ALL HAT, NO CATTLE: Kamala is lifting Trump's agenda and the Democrats are co-opting conservative culture.

Hats are cheap; cattle are not.
RANDOM THOUGHT: 'RINO' just a deep state Republican who failed to reregister as a Democrat.
NO OFFENSE, but atheism is a really stupid philosophy.

I'm not sure that 'stupid' is relevant, but Pinsker certainly has interesting arguments. The one element I tend to agree with wholeheartedly is that our 'intelligentsia' are smug, arrogant, with an unhealthy dose of elitism, and not interested in debating any ideas (since they already know everything about everything).
FROM THE WALL STREET JOURNAL as Trump and Harris get set to debate.

Read it all.