Friday, January 15, 2010

THESE DAYS, “Harvard-educated intellectual elite” is getting to be a pejorative. As a fellow cow-college graduate myself, I’m enjoying every moment.

Pass the popcorn.
JUSTICE DEPARTMENT rebuffs Panthers subpoena:

The Justice Department refused Tuesday to turn over most of the information and documents sought by the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights explaining why a civil complaint was dismissed against members of the New Black Panther Party who disrupted a Philadelphia polling place in the November 2008 elections.

The commission had sought answers from the Justice Department on why a civil complaint against the New Black Panther Party and three of its members was dismissed after a federal judge in Philadelphia had ordered default judgments in the case.
Since a federal judge ordered a default judgment against the NBPP, one has to wonder what the administration is hiding.
HOLD THE SALT: NYC mayor Michael Bloomberg, in order to preserve, protect, and defend NYC residents’ obligation to remain healthy. has now added salt to his list of proscribed food.

Perhaps he should just dictate that NYC restaurants prepare only inedible food.
NOT THAT her column is all that great, but the imagery - a politician “felled by a flying sound bite” is spectacular.

What a way with words.
SURRENDER - it’s easier than fighting.
PANTEX LOCKDOWN: not good news, as Pantex is a nuclear weapons assembly/disassembly facility.

[Update] Apparently, just hunters too close to the site perimeter. Which is odd, since the land around Pantex is so flat a pancake would look hilly.
COGNITIVE DISSONANCE: “The unpopularity of the stimulus package, cap-and-trade legislation and the various health care bills probably surprised the congressional Democratic leaders who put them together and the president who, with surprising passivity, indicated he would sign them. After all, weren't these ways to spread the wealth to ordinary people, as Obama put it to Joe the Plumber?”

Uh, no. Americans prefer policies that enable and help them to amass wealth rather than those that purport to transfer someone else's wealth to them.
EDJUMAKATED TO RULE: an interesting series of posts by Instapundit on the overeducated ivy league elites who believe they’re destined to lead the great unwashed to a better place.

The David Brooks column that started it is here.
THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION should learn from Dominos.

It’s not a bad idea; paying attention to the customer might help to restore some of the administration’s luster.
I HAVE FULL CONFIDENCE that he [Obama]will end 2010 above 50% approval — maybe even 60% again.

The commenters don’t agree. Neither do I.
ON TRADE PROTECTION: “[If trade protection is] a sensible approach, why not take it further? In addition to boycotting goods and services made in other countries, let's also avoid spending money on products from other states.

Read the whole thing.