Thursday, November 08, 2012

EMBRACE digital socialism.
PAUL GREENBERG: Four More Years.
BUT IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE ELECTION: Boeing to cut 30% of defense executives.

Actually, I kinda, sorta believe them.
MORNING EXAMINER: The status quo, only worse. How can it be worse than the status quo?

CHARLES LANE: “Obama won re-election on a promise to maximize everyone’s lifestyle choice, while not really asking anyone except the rich to pay more for the benefits.”
We’ll know almost right away if Obama has the skill and desire to change Washington’s status quo. The U.S. economy is facing a $600 billion fiscal cliff ($500 billion in tax hikes and $100 billion in spending cuts come January first. If Obama is able to craft a grand bargain between now and New Year’s, things may really change. But if Congress kicks the can down the road, or we actually go over the cliff, look for a bitter four more years of disappointment.
And if you think a ‘grand bargain’ is possible, think about this: California Gov. Jerry Brown’s tax hike on the rich passed.
DO SOMETHING! We need 4 more years of waste, inefficiency and no growth.
DANICA MCKELLAR: Girls Get Curves.
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: Groundhog Day in America. America awoke, saw it sunny, and went back to sleep.
I'VE HAD 24 hits so far today; 15 are linked to this post. I wonder why?

Yesterday was similar.
BOSTON HAMBURGER goes into space. Remains inedible.
CHRIS MATTHEWS: a disgusting twit. But, but ... you have to break eggs to make an omlet. And if those eggs are human beings?
POST-ELECTION: At least America isn’t racist.

IT’S A BIRD, IT’S A PLANE; IT’S ... not Superman. Dunderheads leading dunderheads.
DAY BY DAY explains Election 2012.