Tuesday, May 05, 2020


Same old; same old. Note that I added the vertical bar to indicate the current date. The daily variation is deaths is again wagging the tail of the dog, but recognize that the 7-day smoothing (green line) is remaining constant. The 'tail wag' is a result of the fact that the daily numbers are never reported at a consistent time; the real information is in the smoothed data.

The cumulative deaths curve is still showing a bend downward and extending slightly, which indicates (to me, at least) the beginnings of flattening.

For those paying attention, the estimated death rate is 0.1048%, up a bit since yesterday but still at normal annual flu season levels. An estimated 79.290% of Americans have still not been infected, so 'herd immunity' is still happening albeit far too slowly.
BECAUSE THEY'RE NOT DOING WHAT THEY ARE TOLD? Why do newspaper employees hate their customers so?

I would note that the same is true of our ruling governing class ... but then I repeat myself.
STACEY ABRAMS' embarrassing campaign for the vice-presidency.

I think it's sufficient to just note that Stacey Abrams is herself an embarrassment.
WELL, YES: “In terms of incompetence, it would be difficult to top this country’s public health officials.”

Our governing class's economic overlords aren't doing so well either.
POSSIBLE CORONAVIRUS VACCINE enters human testing trial. Methinks just in time. Despite healthscare opinion to the contrary, they may soon run out of patients to test it on.
I'M OUTTA HERE: Elon Musk lists two Los Angeles homes for sale.

Is the dawn breaking on California mismanagement?
FROM AMERICA'S NEWS OF RECORD: New York bans the use of all scientific and medical advancements made by Christians.

If that's true, then maybe when it empties we can sell Manhattan back to the Indians Native Americans and get our $24 back....
ISN'T 'SANITIZING THE UNIVERSE' SMOD'S RESPONSIBILITY? Bill Maher said people should fight the coronavirus by strengthening their immune systems, rather than by sanitizing the universe.

I still dislike Maher, but in this case he's right.