Thursday, June 20, 2019

BIG IDEAS AND LITTLE CANDIDATES: The big ideas are on the Right, the little candidates are on the Left.
KEEP IT UP, GUYS. California's pension fund faces crisis after shunning guns and tobacco. The more you shun, the more there is for me to buy.

And my personal pension fund (401K) is doing very well, thank you.
THE SANDERS MANIFESTO: Everything you wanted (or feared) to know about Bernie's Democratic Socialism. The gist - Socialists, Democratic or otherwise, think of the individual (you) as just another unit of production. No more, no less. As I've said time and time again, it's about control. It's always about control.

Watch the embedded video - if you can stand 45 minutes of Bernie.

RANDOM THOUGHT: The progressive Left's 'moral high ground' is a sewer.