Tuesday, September 14, 2021

THIS WEEK IN POLITICS: It's all bullshit and we're fucked.

[STRONG LANGUAGE WARNING]: As if you couldn't guess from the hed ... but read it anyway; it's worth every cuss word.
THEY'RE NOT ALONE: US troops’ rage at their leaders will grow unless there’s deep reform.
Key graf:
Afghanistan collapsed overnight, because its people lacked faith in its institutions and in those who led them. And no nation is immune to that collapse, if run badly enough for long enough.
Take note, Mr. Biden.
MAYBE IT'S TIME FOR ME TO TAKE A ROAD TRIP: Why Trump signs are mushrooming across the US a year after 2020 election.

To recover my equilibrium.
AMMO GRRRLL on words, words, words.

Plus this: "We need some Marines to give the Republican squishes real pouncing lessons."
TURN OFF ALEXA: It's not just for attorneys any more.

Don't trust Big Tech....
IT'S ABOUT TIME: James O'Keefe says Antifa teachers are on the run.

Only because their students are now wearing wires.
YEAH, RIGHT. The media is really too darn nice to Republicans.

They live in the fantasy world of my nightmares....
FLORIDA GOV. RON DeSANTIS corrects reporter, provides facts.

Not that any on the progressive Left will pay attention....
FOLLOW DEMOCRAT PRECEDENT: Impeach Joe Biden on Jan. 3, 2023.
THAT PHOTO: The real "Handmaid's Tale".
ORWELL TAKES IT UP A NOTCH: Vaccines used to provide immunity to a specific disease. But with COVID-19, they merely provide protection.

Actually I would argue that 'protection' has always been the more accurate term. But why did the CDC make the change now?
BECAUSE THE ELECTION IS RIGGED? Newsom team: there is no scenario where we lose the recall election.

But if they do, it won't be for lack of trying.
EXPECT NOTHING LESS than destruction of California heritage.
A careening California is heading for a colossal train wreck. Voters will have to pick between the incompetent engineer snoring at the wheel or the private passenger who rushes into cab to get the engine back on track.
Unless the passengers can take over the train. Even then it may be too late.

We'll know soon.
POOR BABY: Project Veritas exposes another Antifa coward.

Before getting caught he was a valiant progressive warrior. Having been outed, he's whining, claiming to be a victim, and fearing for his personal safety.

It's tough when you're being served the same meal you'd happily serve your opponents.
DO IT NOW: Fire the military and intelligence bigwigs who bungled Afghanistan.

I know it's not really funny, but still the internecine warfare is amusing as the military, intelligence, and diplomatic communities fight over who fucked up more.