Saturday, January 09, 2016

BERNIE SANDERS: Go to college or go to jail?

Question: Is going to jail better or worse than going to Iraq?

Idiots both.
HEH: Beretta moves its factory to Tennessee.

Goodbye, Maryland. And good riddance.
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: Families of terrorists see no evil, speak no evil.

So maybe Donald Trump was right.
REASON TV: Students United (a tuition protest song).
SOFT LANDING: Late to post, but still an amazing feat.
"CRITICAL THINKING" a euphemism for Marxist indoctrination that has no place in the school curricula of a free society.
WHY OBAMA’S 'smart gun' push will misfire. In addition to being a gun control activist, the guy's dumber than dirt.
CREMATION SERVICES ... Explore Options.

This from my email -- do they know something I don't?
WHICH ONE do you fear the most?

From here.