Monday, August 06, 2018

OF COURSE NOT: Cory Booker ‘didn’t realize’ sign he held for photo was pro-Palestine. "As Bill Whittle likes to say, we need a wall because Democrats wouldn’t let us have a border."
REPEAT AFTER ME: If it weren't for double standards ....
GO [AWAY], BLUE WAVE: Victor Davis Hanson wants you to vote for/support Elizabeth Heng.

He's right. Return California to its rightful place among the states.
UNIONS TAKE A HIT AFTER SUPREME COURT RULING: States are ordered to stop collecting millions of dollars in fees from public workers. And public sector unions should be banned outright.
VEGANS AND VEGETARIANS may think they’re 'eating healthy.' They’re not.

No wonder they're short on brains....
HERE'S WHAT the Left doesn't get about America.
ONLY THE NEWS THAT WE THINK IS FIT TO PRINT: Offended journalists score victory for formerly free speech.

ARMED BYSTANDER takes down gunman at Titusville back to school event.
ANTIFA: thugs, not protestors. Jail them.
NO STRAW MAN HERE: the mask slips in Santa Barbara.

Short summary: You can't be trusted to govern yourself; we must do it for you.
DAVID HOGG’S VISION IDIOCY: Each member of Congress will have a young person.

David, I suspect most of them already have 'young persons' - they're called children. Better behaved children.