Thursday, February 09, 2012

A STRANGE NOTION OF ‘COMPROMISE’. Not for the Obama administration.

More: a requirement that mosques sell bacon?
THE U.S. AIR FORCE – solving problems since 1947!

General: Mr. President, we’ve just invented an invisibility cloak for Air Force One.

Obama: No way.

General: That’s right, sir, the plane will be invisible. Will you be going along on its maiden flight?

Obama: Wouldn’t miss it for the world.

General: Have a good trip, sir.

IF YOU’RE NOT A LIBERAL, you must be mentally ill.
YES, HE CAN! Can Obama be beaten? But it’s going to take a helluva lot of work from the tax payers to make it happen.
BIOCAPSULES: a medical game-changer?
OBAMA/VOLT 2012: What better way to celebrate the massive success of the Chevy Volt than by having this beautiful piece of machinery as President Obama’s running mate in 2012?
ALLEN WEST: The Danger of a Nation of Dependents.
NO. NEXT QUESTION. Do We Need the Department of Education?
LOWERING THE BAR: some thoughts on gay ‘marriage’.
TOUGH LUCK, KIDS. I got mine, too bad you won’t get yours.