Thursday, September 10, 2020

PROFESSOR DEFENDS MURDER OF PORTLAND TRUMP SUPPORTER: ‘I See Nothing Wrong With It From a Moral Perspective’. So if I shoot and kill him, I will have done nothing wrong?

From a 'moral perspective', of course....
Check out these 14 beautiful shots of California's cities at night.

U-Haul introduces armored war rigs for Californians trying to flee state's post-apocalyptic wasteland.
And as usual, they're right on target....
GUESS WHICH PARTY: Meet the real disparagers of military service. As usual, three guesses, with the first two not counting.
THE DIPLOMAD: The Democrat coup plods -- and plots -- on.

My favorite comment.
IF YOU WANT TO SEE WHITE PRIVILEGE, this is white privilege.

For some reason Google/Blogger doesn't want to connect through the hyperlink above, so to see the Fox News article do a copy/paste on this:
A WALL FOR ME (at your expense), but not for thee.

I don't know about you, but to me that woman just plain looks evil.
PRESIDENT TRUMP needs to call out governors regarding mask orders.

Yes. He does.