Friday, April 17, 2015

FIRST YOU HAVE TO HAVE ONE: Reid relieved he didn't suffer brain damage in 'freak accident'.
SEVEN REASONS to hate 'free-range' parenting. All misguided, bad, or outright wrong.
SO WHAT'S NEW? The New York Times goes know-nothing on immigration.

They've gotta, you know, keep the price down on maids and gardeners.
HERE'S A MATH PROBLEM that's been stumping the internet.

When you're finished beating your head against the wall, the solution (I believe) is here. But if you don't like this one, look through the comments; there are several more to choose from.
DESPITE OBAMACARE GOALS, buying health insurance remains confusing. That's not a bug, that's a feature. The whole purpose of ObamaCare was (and is) to make it so complex that only health care 'professionals' can understand and administer (e.g., control) it.
BUT IT'S ONLY $70,000: MSNBC's Melissa Harris-Perry doesn’t like tax cuts ... or paying taxes.
AMMO GRRRLL describes her travels through the real-people world. Part I, which I missed, much to my chagrin, is here.
DEMOCRATS: the party of times past. Say, 19th century....
ANOTHER USE for Hillary's campaign logo.

It is, after all, the Astroturf Party.
IF YOU HAVE A BRAIN and know anything about the global warming controversy, you are a skeptic. Which explains why climate alarmists are brainless....
PSALM 23 UPDATED: Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for Spot is with me....

For our soldiers. Soon, I hope.
MOST PEOPLE IN PUBLIC LIFE feel a need at least to keep up the appearance of humility -- but not the Clintons.
FULL SPEED AHEAD. Three cheers for Arizona PD’s ‘front-bumper takedown’ of crime spree suspect.

We're not gonna take this sh*t any more....
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: Why is Hillary even running?

Answer: so that Chelsea can become the next President in 2024....