Sunday, March 03, 2013

WHAT COULD YOU DO with your share of the national debt?
FLORIDA GOV. RICK SCOTT has agreed to ObamaCare's Medicaid expansion. But will the Florida legislature let him?
PRESIDENT OBAMA: Should Julia be drafted alongside John?
JOE BIDEN: "Ladies, buy a shotgun."

Yes, of course it's overplayed. But still....
A BLAST FROM THE PAST: The Coming Obama Thugocracy. Needless to say, it's here.
SOME THOUGHTS about Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.

ADDED: McConnell tells racists where to go.
LEGAL ASININITY: Does This Broomstick Go With My Prison Stripes?

Somehow I think America will muddle through just fine.
KATHY MCMORRIS RODGERS: Do We Want to Hand Future Generations a Mountain of Debt? Or a Vibrant Economy & Opportunity?
WANT TO INCREASE SHOPLIFTING? Ban plastic bags. As a bonus, an increase in food-borne illnesses comes for free.
THE RIGHT WAY to combat gun violence.
THE (LOW) WAGES OF OBAMACARE: "Under Obamacare those who lose hours or jobs due to the mandate will be able to obtain health insurance. But they will be increasingly hard-pressed to take care of the rest of their needs."
AT LEAST three ways conservatives are smarter than liberals.

I'd add a 4th way: liberals conservatives have tended to be on the side of liberty more consistently than our conservative liberal counterparts.

Mathis simply got his last observation (which I corrected above) wrong. For example, it was Republicans who voted for the first suffrage bill in 1915. The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) was supported by Republicans as far back as the 1940s; the Democrats largely opposed it until the early 1970s. The Thirteenth Amendment, abolishing slavery, was originally introduced in the House and Senate by Republicans.
JUST WHERE are the closed-minded bigots? Given his (former) relationship with PBS, Williams should know.
OBAMA TO REPORTER ABOUT SEQUESTER: What exactly do you want me to do? Well, for starters, resign. I'm quite confident that our 'crazy uncle', Vice President Joe Biden could do no worse and quite probably much better.
THE SEQUESTER HAS HAPPENED: What should the Republicans do now?
Republicans ... should prepare detailed budget cuts of their own department-by-department, providing exact line items of what programs can be cut or delayed under a sequester in the Dept. of Transportation, for example, so that it is not necessary to cut back on air traffic controllers in the towers, or food safety inspectors at USDA. They should announce these on a daily basis, as well as highlighting just one wasteful program in each department every day. The Pentagon should not be exempt from this, either. I’m sure the Pentagon can delay sexual harassment training programs for a few months, or can tell some colonels to drive their own cars to base instead of having a personal driver.
Push back. Push back hard.
HOW WELL does 'Rate my Professors' perform? Not very. Among the reasons:
Increased competition amongst universities for enrollment.

Poorly-prepared but emotionally coddled students accustomed to leniency, praise, and high marks.

A government policy dedicated to “credentialing” increasing numbers of young people regardless of their aptitude or commitment.

A post-secondary administration that is ever-more cravenly in thrall to university buzz words such as inclusivity, diversity, respect, relevance, and personal development.

University leaders who promote a pedagogy of student-centeredness.

A vulnerable cadre of part-time instructors who make up an ever-larger proportion of university faculty.
It seems to me that the post is more a reflection on the universities than it is on the professorate. Look at the reasons above: do any reflect the purpose of a University to educate?