Saturday, April 18, 2015

TODAY I'M YOUNGER than I was last week....
FIRST OBAMACARE, now this....
JUST TRYIN' TO FIT IN: Navistar pickup hides military secrets.
CHRIS CHRISTIE wants to find “the right balance” on gun control. The "right balance" on gun control is that I control my own weapons.
AL GORE: "Let them have solar panels." And carbon credits....
LET'S WORK TOGETHER to grant this dying grandfather his last wish.
POWERLINE: cleaning up a coal myth.
DELUSIONAL NONENTITY totally serious about presidential run. Oh, wait....
POWERLINE'S Week in Pictures is up. This time it's the Democrat primary edition. My favorite by far:

It lacks only the exclamation point.
JOBS, AND 'JOBS': 'Jobs' belong in the 'reality' world; jobs are part of the real world. Follow the link to the full post.
WHAT OBAMA doesn't understand....
CLICKBAIT WEBSITE BOING BOING tweets silly cat joke.

And you won't believe what happens next....

The progressive idiot Left trashes Boing Boing for being transphobic.

Boing Boing apologizes to the idiot Left and trashes those who defend them...

And Rusty laughs (as he identifies as a King of Beasts, which I guess isn't transphobic).