Tuesday, March 16, 2021

MY DEMOCRAT FRIENDS are getting very embarrassed.
I keep reminding them that this is what they asked for. They’re beginning to realize they helped create this mess and they’re feeling a bit like that guy that gave the Nigerian prince $1,000 -- embarrassed! But here’s the thing about embarrassment -- it’s the embryonic stage of anger. I estimate gestation to require about 19 months. Angry and motivated voters will be fully mature, just in time for the midterm elections.
Just.In.Time. ... for 2022.
SALENA ZITO: The culture curators want to think for you.

Approved thoughts only.
QUESTION: Which Government 'experts' were right?

Correct answer: None of them.
HAS CALIFORNIA reached peak progressive?

One can wish, but I wouldn't hold out too much hope as yet.
CONSERVATIVE, INC: Shut up and get out of the way.

We're tired of losing gracefully.
WILL LEFT’S VIOLENT TENDENCIES lead to U.S. breakup or dictatorship?

No, but I think it will get violent as an increasingly pissed-off Right decides to give the Left a strong dose of their own medicine. Here's a thought: Choose Your Ground.
[FORMER LtCol] ALEXANDER VINDMAN proposes suing conservative media outlets to make them less 'radicalized'.

May I suggest that Fox News (and conservative media generally) have deeper pockets and 'punching back' works in lawfare as well. Vindman should take a careful look as his backers' checkbook....
IT IS A MISTAKE to only consider the immediate effects of public policies and ignore the unintended consequences of them: A minimum of facts about the minimum wage.
Keep that in mind as the 2022 mid-terms approach.
PUNCHING BACK? Peter Thiel pours $10 million into super PAC backing likely J.D. Vance Senate bid in Ohio.
AL GORE: Biden has had the most consequential first 50 days since FDR.

Well, that may be true, but not in any positive sense.
WOKESTERS REJOICE! You too can receive a solicitation for 'BidenCare Health Insurance'.

It's in your spam folder....
THE LEFT'S WAR ON HISTORY: Cancel culture's next targets are George Washington and Abe Lincoln.

"Hate America First" should be -- or is -- their motto.
I SUGGEST ELBONIA: Meghan for President?

Prince Harry may already have a fur hat....