Monday, March 24, 2014

"THAT’S THE OLD RACISM. The new racism is anything that might hurt a Democrat politically."
ARE VOTERS too sensitive to 'microaggressions'?

It's high time for 'macro-aggressive' mockery toward progressives' microaggressive whinery.
READY FOR RAND? Americans hate Rand Paul’s libertarianism. They just don’t know it yet.

I'm not convinced; I think Paul is making inroads for libertarian conservatism.
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: Of Pre- and Postmodern Poseurs.
Putin gets up every morning to annoy Barack Obama, piqued not just that he is weak, but that he is sanctimonious and weak.
I don't believe Putin is a poseur, but Obama most certainly is.
THE ARROGANCE OF SELF-IMPORTANCE: Former US president Carter uses snail mail to evade NSA. If he believes that he's important enough for NSA to monitor him, does he really believe that they wouldn't intercept and open his mail?
JEFF JACOBY: Public sector pensions are eating taxpayers alive. They're getting steak, we're getting hamburger. What a surprise.

Last week I posted the first week of my annual search for the arrival of spring's leaves. Here's week two:

No leaves yet, but at least the snow has gone (but according to the forecasters, it's due back tomorrow). Last week's photo is here.
JUST ANOTHER OBAMACARE HURDLE: Married couples filing separately. Incompetence squared, cubed, and cubed yet again....
ABORTED BABIES incinerated to heat British hospitals.

Soylent Heat, but not (yet) Soylent Green.
NO JUSTICE DEPARTMENT CHARGES against Ohio woman who voted six times for Obama.

Via Instapundit.
CLIMATE CHANGE: Over 95% of the climate models agree the observations must be wrong.
COLORADO LEGISLATORS: How dare you taxpayers insist on keeping our money.
RANDOM THOUGHTS from the retirement lane. Listening to the radio this morning, I heard one commentator on WMAL say that the mainstream media are 'tools' of Democrat political operatives. That's factually incorrect; they aren't 'tools'; they are Democrat political operatives.
KURT SCHLICTER: "The problem liberals always face is that the world refuses to honor their preconceived notions."
ONE MORE REASON why the Obama administration is the least transparent ever.

A more transparent administration would be in jail.
A PREOCCUPATION WITH SAFETY has stripped childhood of independence, risk taking, and discovery—without making it safer.
DEREK HUNTER on the Holy Church of Global Warming: "It’s a religion based on faith not in a higher power but in a better, smarter group of people who know better how you should live your life than you do."
JIMMY CARTER says Obama doesn't call him for advice. Maybe Obama should, given that Carter is a step above him on the 'worst President' list.
From Fox News: "The first phase of a three-year plan by Arizona wildlife officials to bolster herds of bighorn sheep has resulted in the death of half the population, after the 31 sheep were transplanted at a cost of $150,000 into the Catalina Mountains where mountain lions killed 15 of the protected species within a few months. Some animal welfare groups are pushing for an end to the project, but wildlife officials say the conservation effort is not a failure and expect the projected $600,000, three-year plan to result in greater numbers of bighorns in an area where they once co-existed with mountain lions for centuries." 
So we are going to spend 600 grand to feed mountain lions. Brilliant! 
New Latin name for bighorn sheep: Mountainlion Chow.
The post is here.
ED DRISCOLL: Sleeping with the enemy? I wouldn't say 'enemy'; the relationship is more like incest.
OUT OF WORK? Out of luck. And if you're at or near retirement age, you're SOL.
WHEN BUREAUCRACY GETS TOO BIG: How a 29-year-old Austrian buzzed the statue of Liberty, built a business, and beat U.S. regulators in court.
POPULAR MECHANICS: Inside America's newest aircraft carrier.

Via Instapundit.
WE HAVEN'T FOUND any wreckage of Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 because of ... global warming.