Tuesday, December 22, 2009

PAYOLA and more payola. If they weren’t the government, they’d be headed for jail.
A THOUGHT ON CLIMATE CHANGE: Polar bears are just grizzly bears in white suits.
DON’T STEAL FROM YOUR NEIGHBORS; steal from the big-box stores that employ your neighbors.
GOOD GRIEF: ”[W]hen your unsuspecting tot logs on and hops a virtual train to the North Pole…you should know that he or she will be informed — by Santa Claus — that Christmas may be canceled this year due to Global Warming.”

Words fail.

Linked from Instapundit.
THERE WILL BE NO DEATH PANELS. “[T]he Independent Institute cites data from the American Medical Association's National Health Insurer Report Card that indicate Medicare denies claims at twice the rate of private insurance companies.”

Nothing to see here. Nope. Nothing. Move along now.
GREENER THAN THOU? Sarah Palin responds to California Gov. Arnold Schwartzenegger: “[W]hat I didn’t do was hamstring Alaska’s job creators with burdensome regulations so that I could act “greener than thou” when talking to reporters.”

I don’t think Palin’s perfect on the environment, but I too am getting sick of the global warmists’ “holier-than-thou” attitude toward anyone the least bit skeptical of their environmental posturing.
TIME FOR SARAH to grapple. OK, so I understand the concept:

Palin must learn how to convey to her audience that she comprehends and can grapple with the depth and nature of presidential-level problems. This is the fundamental weakness to which most ... criticisms of her are tethered.
Translated, she must become smoother, more “nuanced” to quiet the frayed nerves of the “sophisticated” coastal elites of both parties who despise her. I understand that.

But ...

Frankly, I want those very same sophisticated coastal elites of both parties to understand – and feel – the contempt I have for them.
A NEW LOW in the Rasmussen Obama Approval Index.

Hmm. ObamaCare is getting passed ... shouldn’t his approval be skyrocketing?