Monday, September 23, 2013

GLENN REYNOLDS: Will Obama's Ego Cause Him To Force A Government Shutdown?
WHO IS that guy next to Jane Fonda?

At an anti-war protest rally back in the 70's. From my email.
ANOTHER TAX LOOPHOLE that needs to be closed opened.
HOW TO CUT $100 MILLION from a trillion dollar budget. This is an old one, but every so often it's useful to be reminded how big big numbers really are.
IT'S ALL ABOUT ME -- STILL: Obama: GOP focused on 'messing with me,' not on boosting economy. Our incompetent, narcissistic President.
POWERLINE'S week in pictures: leading with his behind edition. My favorite:

STUPID IN SEATTLE: You know, if you're going to be this incredibly stupid, you would be wise not to write about it in the New York Times. [But then, it is the New York Times.]
CONTRACTOR THAT SCREENED SNOWDEN also vetted alleged Navy Yard shooter. What's mentioned (barely) but not emphasized is that USIS does not grant clearances. Only the government agency responsible for the contract under which the clearance is granted can grant a clearance.
CENTERS FOR MEDICARE AND MEDICAID SERVICES (CMS) PROJECTIONS show ObamaCare will grow the government, boost health care spending.

So having more government functionaries will improve my health care? Yeah, right.
SARAH PALIN to establishment Republicans and Democrats: "Moose season ends soon, allowing more time on one’s hands. So, we’ll be watching your votes very carefully this week."
MEDIAN INCOME IN DC vs the rest of us.

The 'ruling class' must be compensated for its trouble....

PowerLine has much more, including this quote:
Washington doesn’t invent smartphones or build cars or record music — instead they invent rules and build bureaucracies and record regulations. The federal government’s key industry is siphoning money from 50 far-flung states and reallocating it to preferred interest groups (after taking an ample service charge, of course).
It's the service charge, stupid. Think of that 23% increase as a tip for 'services' rendered.
THE ONLY PROBLEM is that they're all yellow.