Saturday, July 27, 2013

DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE: Is there any part of American life in which they won't interfere? Well, with the exception of criminal mischief on the part of their allies, that is.
COMET ISON: the next 'comet of the century'?
NEWT GINGRICH: Why hasn't America progressed on race?

I agree that the problem(s) Gingrich outlined are largely cultural, exacerbated by intrusive and wrong-headed governmental policies. Unlike Gingrich's seven solutions, though, I see a single solution, and that is getting government permanently out of the business of trying to remake society.
POWERLINE: the economics of mass low-skilled immigration.
ANN COULTER: Unsung Black People.
LIBERTARIAN: Because anarchy is so ... progressive.
"IT’S TIME to delay Obamacare from going into effect — and then, in 2017, to repeal it."
LISA AIRPLANES is gearing up to restart flight testing of its Akoya amphibious light sport aircraft.

The €300,000 ($396,000) Akoya can operated from ground, water or snow. The aircraft is equipped with emergency parachute, hydrofoils, skis and a retractable landing gear. It has a range of 2,000km (1,080nm), a maximum speed of 135kts (250km/h) and consumes 5.6 litres of fuel per 100km.

I want one.

PRESIDENT OBAMA talking to reporters alongside Vietnamese President Truong Tan Sang: “...we discussed the fact that Ho Chi Minh was actually inspired by the U.S. Declaration of Independence and Constitution, and the words of Thomas Jefferson.”

And (theoretically, at least) this guy was a constitutional law professor....
WE'RE LOSING MONEY, but it feels so good. Reminds me a bit of the old joke about the Aggie who sells his product at a loss: "Well, yes, I do lose a bit on each sale, but I make up for it in volume."
SMART KNIFE detects cancer in seconds.
PEGGY NOONAN: Damage control at Fortress IRS. It isn't about the IRS; it's about protecting Obama.
INVEST YOUR MONEY or pay off your kid's student loans? Instapundit thinks you should invest your money, but our President disagrees. What do you need retirement savings for when you've got Social Security and ObamaCare?
INSTAPUNDIT: Should the Third Amendment prevent government spying? Glenn Reynolds appears to believe it should, and I agree.

By the way, the camera on my PC is pointed at the ceiling; NSA, count the humps and bumps to your heart's content.
LINCOLN MEMORIAL is shut down after vandals splash paint on it.

The news is sad enough, but even worse is the quality (if you can call it that) of the Washington Post's readership as evidenced by the comments.
REPUBLICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE OPERATIVES join Holder campaign against Texas: Sources say RNC donations are being used to re-impose federal mandates struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court.

Give generously to Republican candidates, but not one damn dime to the Republican establishment.
SEEN ON DRUDGE: "Weiner Roasting". The man does have a way with words....
FULL MOON 'disturbs a good night's sleep'. I'm waiting for Democrats propose a law requiring the moon to be full only during daylight hours.
REMEMBER ALL THOSE CUTE VIDEOS of excited dogs welcoming home their owners after being away for months? Well here's one you'll never see: cat welcomes owner back after six month absence.

A CHART TO BEHOLD: It's not the percentages that are stunning; it's the fact that the IRS has identified 65 million pages of documents relating to their 'investigation' of Tea Party group applications for tax-exempt status.
U.S. TO DEMOCRATS: No, Really, We’re Okay with Some Abortion Restrictions.

Click through to Mead's original post.
Their [Obama's speeches] purpose is to improve the political economy of Barack Obama, not the fortune of the United States.

The phrase to keep in mind is “phony.” Both press secretary Jay Carney and the president used it to describe the IRS, Justice Department, and NSA scandals. After addressing each of these stories, and going so far as to say he was deeply concerned about the activities at the IRS, the president seems to have decided he is tired of answering questions. He has adopted the age-old tactic of dismissing inconvenient news as false and irrelevant. The thinking must be that forceful denials will discredit congressional investigations into the administration and lead the news media to downplay additional scoops. It’s worked before.
Not this time.