Wednesday, November 20, 2019

FOR DEMOCRATS, REALITY IS WHAT THEY PRESUME IT TO BE: Ambassador Sondland admits he has no evidence Trump tied Ukraine military aid to investigations other than his 'own presumption'.
JUST HEARD on Tucker Carlson Tonight: Tucker asked his guest what would happen to the Democrats when impeachment failed and President Trump reelected in 2020.

The response: "They're going to lose their minds. I know it's a short trip, but..."
MORE FROM THE DEMOCRATS' CESSPOOL: Establishment-backed DNC candidate discriminated against employees based on age and race.
AND THEN THE IMPEACHMENT BEGAN: Obama aides allegedly left ‘You will fail’ notes for Trump White House staffers.
HEH: Spin doctors are not real doctors.
WHY DEMOCRATS don't want the public to know origins of Ukraine probe.
CHRISTIAN WOMAN spends 10% of paycheck at Hobby Lobby in lieu of tithing.
DAMNED RIGHT IT WILL: Understanding ‘Medicare for All’ could make seniors vote red.
Older Americans have much to lose and little to gain with Medicare for All or a stepping-stone approach, such as the public option. They have paid into the existing system over their entire working lives, and they will balk at having to subsidize benefits for others if it jeopardizes their own care or sense of security.
Seniors, like me, take note.
POLL: Majority want impeachment hearings to continue as long as possible so Congress will be too busy to meddle with our lives.

It's a lovely thought, but it's Babylon Bee.
RANDOM THOUGHT on Ambassador Sondland's testimony: I've only been watching intermittently, but Sondland strikes me as an arrogant narcissistic ass who is more interested in protecting his own..
I'VE ASKED THE SAME QUESTION: Why don't environmentalists just buy the land they want to protect?

The answer is "because it's against the rules." It's a long post but worth the read.
YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING. California tried to fine a company $10,000 for ordering blind people Ubers and Lyfts without a permit.
AMERICAN GREATNESS: So much hot air about California’s wildfires.
To hear Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tell it, the wildfires that ravaged California throughout October were the result of climate change. And nothing else.

Once again, the climate change alarmists show they haven’t the first clue about climatology, meteorology, forestry, or history for that matter — especially U.S. history.
Read it all.
ELIZABETH WARREN gives up on Medicare for All.
By planning to pass single-payer in year three of her presidency, she’s acknowledging it will never happen at all.
Reality is slowly - ever so slowly - beginning to sink in.
SEXISM IS TO BLAME for the latest Charlie's Angels movie flop.
WOW. CORY BOOKER DOES SOMETHING RIGHT: pushes for greater Democratic support for charter schools.
MORNING GREATNESS: Pelosi says it’s ‘dangerous’ to let voters decide on Trump.
At least we are getting some honesty from the Left, who traditionally has concealed their tyrannical ambitions. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi wrote to her lunatic colleagues, “The weak response to these hearings has been, ‘Let the election decide.’ That dangerous position only adds to the urgency of our action, because POTUS is jeopardizing the integrity of the 2020 elections,” Pelosi explained. Really? How is he jeopardizing elections? Pelosi further claimed that the facts surrounding of the case were “uncontested” which is absurd as most of the testimony is comprised of hearsay and gossip.
Damn those deplorables for not voting in their own self-interest. Bad serfs! Bad, bad serfs....