Monday, March 05, 2018

GO AHEAD, MILLENIALS, destroy us. I've never read anything so boneheadly, blindingly stupid, but then it's the New York Times.
ON TARIFFS, hold the hysteria.
[I]t isn’t as though tariffs and import quotas have become extinct. Imported clothing is subject to tariffs averaging 10% to 15%, and we have a domestic sugar beet industry, I believe, only because of quotas on cane sugar from the Caribbean. I haven’t noticed the press agitating to get rid of the tariffs we already have, even though the same economic arguments they now make–newly-discovered in some cases–would apply equally. Nor do I recall the press rushing to condemn Bernie Sanders’ protectionist views during the 2016 campaign.

This is all about President Trump, of course. If Trump came out for a big increase in the minimum wage, the Washington Post would suddenly realize that it would increase unemployment among minority youths.
Even the 'fair and balanced' Fox News cable channels have gone berserk over the tariffs. Let's calm down, people. The world isn't ending ... yet.
KURT SCHLICTER: Progressives are not people of good faith.
LASER-WORN LEVI’S are the start of something big. By hand or by laser, can someone please explain to me why I would want to buy new worn jeans? I wear them out fast enough by myself.
NEVER TRUST anyone who has no skin in the game.

Corollary: Don't trust the media.
ANTI-NRA ACTIVISTS should be careful what they wish for -- they might get it.

And they won't be happy....
KURT SCHLICTER: Progressives are not people of good faith.
AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI, free speech is expensive. My thought is that if 'security costs' are to be levied by the University, they should be levied on all organizations equally, not by the expectation that there will/won't be violence at any particular venue.
HEH: "They must be handing out Frequent Liar Miles at Delta’s office today."
WASHINGTON, D.C.: Democrats consider torpedoing gun control bill because ... it could pass.
PAYING TOO MUCH to heat your home? Thank an environmentalist.
HEH: Can real men punch out virtue-signaling twerps? The temptation is certainly there.
MORE LIKELY IT WAS THE DESTINATION: Turbulence makes passengers, pilots sick on DC-bound flight.
COUNTERATTACK HARD against liberal attacks on our rights and civil liberties.
Conservatism is not a suicide pact, and our principles are not a mandate to unilaterally disarm. We need to make them hate the new rules. Maybe they won't learn anything, but at least they won't win by cheating.
Read the whole thing.
[T]he only real thing that gun confiscation has proven is that the increase of gun free zones in our society is also an increase in targets for people who never abide by laws on guns or anything else.
And it's important to reiterate: no one is thinking about requiring teachers to be armed; only allowing those who are willing - and trained - to do so if they wish.