Thursday, July 03, 2014

PUNCHING BACK: Cosmopolitan Magazine probably didn’t anticipate the backlash it would receive when it ran an online article mocking a conservative reality TV show star for an item on her wedding registry.
It starts off as you would expect, with requests for things from Walmart, Amazon, and Bed Bath & Beyond. Then it gets a little unconventional, with requests for Froot Loops (smart), Hershey’s cereal (smarter), and Raisin Bran (smartest). They also ask for gift cards to Panera, Buffalo Wild Wings, and Subway.

Finally, the weird stuff: They want some WD-40 and two fuh-reaking shotguns.
One of the two 'fuh-reaking shotguns' is a .22 rifle. She should have also asked for .22LR ammunition; that's still hard to come by.

I wish the couple well.
CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: Conservatives won the unemployment debate. But, but ... he used numbers! Numbers aren't fair.
IS OBAMA acting like a former president?
It looks like we have officially entered the world of the post-Obama presidency. President Obama’s recent speeches and remarks make it obvious that he is not making any serious effort to govern or to drive world events. Except for covering the basics, he seems to have taken something like an early retirement.
Truth be told, I don't think he's chosen 'early retirement'; I think America has 'early retired' him. His public events are the acts of a desperate man: "Look at me! I'm relevant. Really I am." Americans are simply going on about their business and ignoring him.
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: How Obama lost the Middle East.
BY THE WAY, the D.C. Circuit might nuke ObamaCare. Unlikely, I suspect, but still a pleasant thought to send it back to the Supreme Court.
POWERLINE publishes the Obama 'scandal bracket'.

One commenter suggested that a 32-scandal bracket was needed, but from the rest of the comments, I'm leaning more toward a 64-scandal bracket to ensure completeness.
WASHINGTON EXAMINER: Obama thinks his is the only branch that counts.

Congress, Republican and Democrat, should make the first order of business the defunding of every activity in which Obama usurps power that the Constitution doesn't give the chief executive.
Five problems a government inspection found with Obamacare subsidies.

Eighty-five (85!) percent of ObamaCare ‘inconsistencies’ can’t be fixed.
All of which is understood by anyone capable of thinking and chewing gum at the same time....
HOT NEW IDEA: Doctors Should Be Trained to Determine Who is "Fit" to Carry a Gun. Only if the training is conducted by the NRA, the doctors are NRA members, and the standards applied to all city, county, state, and federal employees authorized by law to carry weapons.
ONE CAN HOPE: Did the Supreme Court Just Signal Mandatory Union Dues Will Become a Thing of the Past for Public Sector Employees?
NEW HOUSE MAJORITY LEADER KEVIN MCCARTHY: "[T]here is an 'opportunity' to negotiate for the legalization of illegal immigrants, but only after the border is secured."
A BURGER JOINT I could learn to love....
IS THE ACADEMIC ESTABLISHMENT laundering contributions for an ally? More like laundering your tuition money, but, yes.

And providing a fertile recruiting ground.