Thursday, September 20, 2018

YOU EXPECTED ANYTHING DIFFERENT? Senate Democrats urge FBI to probe threats against Ford; those against Kavanaugh and kin unmentioned.
THE KAVANAUGH NOMINATION: Keep your eye on Susan Collins and Jeff Flake.

The latest is that Christine Blasey Ford will testify - if the terms are 'fair'. My bet is that if she isn't granted an 'indefinite delay, she will declare no fair and refuse to testify, in which case the Judiciary committee should go ahead and vote on schedule, and damn the Democrats for obstruction.
OOPS! Who changed our search algorithm?
VICTORY GIRLS: Where is David Hogg when Chicago needs him?
CONFIRMED: New York Times editors really need to start reading the New York Times. Everything they're looking for is right there on the front page.
COMMENT OF THE DAY: "When dad's had enough, it is gonna hurt." Taken from this Don Surber post.
HILLARY CLINTON: Trump will 'wholesale fire people' after midterm election. That's a bad thing?

Well, I guess it could be for the swamp critters who infest his administration.

Random Thought: I wonder if roach spray will work on swamp things?
CALIFORNIA'S GOVERNOR ON TRUMP: "[S]omething's got to happen to this guy".

Yes, it will: re-election in 2020.
SILLY QUESTION: If Democrats can’t run Chicago, can they run anything?

The answer is obviously 'yes' ... into the ground.
JEFF FLAKE, traitor.
Like a number of others for whom I once had considerable respect, Flake has elevated his hatred for our president over every principle of politics and public policy. He would rather subvert his own allegedly conservative principles than allow President Trump to exercise his constitutional powers as president. Words can hardly express how contemptible this is.
Agreed. And read the entire post.
PLEASE, STUDENTS, take that “impractical” humanities course. A reader responds:
Now all you have to do is find a humanities course that actually teaches what you mention instead of some postmodern SJW claptrap. Good luck with that.
I would have linked to the original Washington Post article, but I'm not about to waste $1 - or give them cookie access to my PC - to read their semi-literate opinions.