Friday, January 04, 2019

WHO’S READY for a 2% white privilege tax and a 1% male privilege tax?

So, without money how is he/she/it going to pay his/her/its 2% white privilege tax?

I thought the progressive Left had already reached peak dumb; I was wrong.
ROGER KIMBALL: The Pathetic Crusade of Mitt Romney. Read it all; then follow with the comments.
DEMOCRATS ARE FOR BORDER SECURITY -- unless it secures the border.
WHAT A SURPRISE: Our elites care more about what their peers think of them than about what they’re supposed to be doing.

Still true after over a year. President Trump (and we) have a lot more ass to kick before things begin to change.
KURT SCHLICHTER: top 10 predictions for 2019.

My guess is that 8 of the 10 will come to pass (and I hope one fails).
HOW DUMB ARE THE POLITICIANS who want to remove your right to self-defense?
We have a government here that is heedless of its obligation to protect our freedoms. We have a government that, in its lust to have us reliant upon it, has created areas in the U.S. where innocent folks living their lives in freedom are made defenseless prey to monsters — as vulnerable as fish in a barrel. And we have mass killings of defenseless innocents — over and over and over again.
I wish it were just dumb, but it isn't; it's an insatiable lust for power.
BUT, BUT ... we're victims; we need charity too!
PROJECTION AT THE VERY TOP: Barack Obama wasn’t just speaking for himself when he derided millions of Americans as bitter clingers, and Hillary Clinton wasn’t speaking just for herself when she condemned millions more as irredeemable.

They were condemming themselves.

We need a wall so they can post warnings on the other side....
FLECCAS TALKS: The best of 2018 protesters. You don't have to watch very much to see a bunch of maroons.
"I WAS A LITTLE BIT BUSY": Bernie Sanders on why he was unaware of sexual harassment claims rocking campaign.

Doesn't say much about his competence, does it?
NOW WE FIND OUT: GOP letter reveals FBI divisions over Clinton case decision.