Tuesday, December 10, 2019

FEEL GOOD POST OF THE DAY: Gary Sinise takes 1,000+ Gold Star kids to Disney World.
VOTE FOR ME YOU LYING RACIST! The Democrats continue their tradition of insulting the voters.

So why not just renominate Hillary?
JUST HOW BAD WAS THE FBI’S RUSSIA FISA? Only 51 violations and 9 false statements.

Horowitz's testimony at the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing tomorrow should be very interesting given the Barr and Durham demurrals.
DON’T TRY AND TEACH A PIG TO SING. It’s a waste of your time, and it annoys the pig.
Yet that’s exactly what Pelosi is doing.

No matter how she dresses it up, her impeachment is a pig.

Does Pelosi hate Donald Trump? Of course she does. She hates that he’s president, that he’s building an economy that is the envy of the world and that he appeals to voters her party used to own. She’s turned him into such a villain that every success of his is a failure for her.
But to paraphrase Whoopi Goldberg, it's not 'hate-hate'.
FORD V. FERRARI: A 'no politics' movie review by The Diplomad.
ARE DEMOCRATS SOCIALISTS? Candidates attack each other for helping businesses.

Sure looks like it to me....
ERIC SWALWELL [D(UMB)-CA] Devin Nunes shouldn't talk to indicted felons. But it's okay to talk to unindicted (so far) felons - like Schiff and Nadler?
HEH: House Democrats unveil surefire plan to get Trump reelected.

Yes, it's the Babylon Bee but I think it's more of a prediction than satire.
DAY BY DAY has it exactly right. In both frames. The sword, after all, is double-edged.
THE DEMOCRATS FINALLY ADMITTED IT: They are impeaching President Trump because otherwise he willl win the 2020 election.