Monday, December 31, 2018

DOES ANYONE BELIEVE 2019 WILL BE BETTER? 2018: a year of living hatefully.
FIRST LADY MELANIA TRUMP: Victory Girls Person Of The Year for 2018.
POWERLINE: 2018 in review. I have two favorites this time:

Shadow likes to play with buttons....

Maybe we'll get lucky and it won't get worse....

Now go and see the rest.
WHAT'S A FEW MORE DEAD AMERICANS if it means the Democrats can score political points?
Every day that they refuse to allow the man we elected president to fulfill the most basic function of a national government - securing its national borders - they make a deliberate choice to accept more dead Americans. Oh, and more crime, poverty and welfare costs too. They are willing to let it all happen because their power means much, much more to them than your prosperity, your security, or your life.
Read it all.
"WALLS DON'T WORK" is for the little people.
DEMOCRATS AREN'T JUST CRAZY; THEY'RE PREJUDICED AS WELL: Kamala Harris and Mazie Hirono are trying to bar observant Catholics from public office.
HERE’S AN IDEA FOR 2019: Stop whining, Offendapotamus.
WHAT A SURPRISE: Baltimore is losing population. I wonder why. Not.
UM, IT IS DECEMBER 31ST, MR. AVENATTI. Would you care to revise your prediction?
SHERIFF DAVID CLARKE (RET): Embracing the term Progressive is appalling.
[T]hese leading Progressive architects weren’t reformers—they were arrogant, elitist, racists whose attitudes had shaped public policy... [T]hey supported forced sterilization and believed in socially engineering a master race. They despised Jews, Asians, Catholics, women and the disabled. They thought these groups were too stupid to vote and should be prevented from doing so. Their interpretation of Democracy was control of the masses by a small group of bureaucratic experts.
Read it all.
AND THEY'RE JUST DUMB ENOUGH TO TRY IT: If Ocasio-Cortez's 'Green New Deal' succeeds in 2019 it will be the most radical plan offered in decades.
HEH: EVEN THE LEFT is complaining about Facebook.

I'm not on Facebook and even I find it annoying.