Saturday, July 20, 2013



"Here Men From Planet Earth
First Set Foot Upon The Moon
July 1969 A.D.
We Came In Peace For All Mankind"


IF YOU BELIEVE Trayvon Martin was attacked in public, your crusade against Stand Your Ground is especially misguided.

But liberals never let facts interfere with the desired narrative.
(OVER)REGULATION NATION: Does your rabbit have a license?
FINALLY: I've always wondered how they did that.

Via Ann Althouse.
THE WASHINGTON POST'S Harold Meyerson rails against WalMart:
On average, Wal-Mart pays its workers $12.67 an hour — which means that a huge number of its 1.4 million U.S. employees make a good deal less than that.
And a huge number make more than that.
[T]he Bentonville behemoth compels thousands of its employees to use food stamps to feed their families and Medicaid to pay their doctor bills. It compels taxpayers to pick up a tab that wouldn’t even exist if the company paid its workers enough to get them out of poverty.
I shouldn't have to ask, but does Meyerson understand that the alternative to low wages is no wages? Welfare and unemployent payments are also on the taxpayer tab....

Since Meyerson is so adamant about paying a 'living wage' I'm sure he is willing to demand the D.C. City Council require all employers pay a minimum $12.50/hour, including D.C.'s own employees.
"THE MOST POISONOUS UNTRUTH being peddled in the wake of the George Zimmerman acquittal is the claim that American justice is racist."
The idea that the criminal-justice system discriminates against blacks — and that this bias explains blacks’ disproportionate presence in custody — is a staple of civil-rights activism and of the academic Left. Every effort to prove it empirically, however, has come up short.
Read it all.
CANADIANS are apparently considering purchasing Detroit. They could get the Pistons, Red Wings, and a first-ever NFL franchise, the Detroit Lions.

Yes, it is tongue-in-cheek.
MARK STEYN: "[I]n Michigan, reality is unconstitutional." And 'denial' is a river in Egypt.
IS THERE A SILVER LINING to Tom Perez’s confirmation as Secretary of Labor?

I'm not optimistic. That the Obama administration cannot be trusted is obvious to anyone with two functioning brain cells to rub together, yet we continue to let Congress to grant them even more power.
SPEAK FOR YOURSELF, MR. PRESIDENT: Obama says Americans should search their souls, wring out bias.
Battleground Texas has not explained why it assumed that one must speak in Spanish in order to connect to Texas Latinos. As newcomers to the state President Obama’s campaigners may not be aware that Texas was once a part of Mexico, and Latinos and Latino culture have been part of the fabric of the state for centuries. They are welcome to brush up on their Texas history while they are here. It’s usually taught in the seventh grade.
The Twitter attack that started this is here.

More McCoy cartoons here.
OH, ABOUT THOSE HEALTH INSURANCE REBATES? Most of the money goes back to your employer (who paid most of the premium). You get what the suckers in a class-action lawsuit get -- used.
BLOOMBERG TO NYC POOR: We'd rather you starve than eat 'unhealthy' food.

Here's a thought: have them climb 5 flights of stairs before being able to eat the 'uhealthy' stuff.
UNDER OBAMACARE, almost the only ones who will be able to keep their doctor and their health plan are the ones who have no doctor or health plan. But the good news is that they will be able to keep them....
OBAMA TO DETROIT: the election's over, I'm in; drop dead.
CHICAGO PASSES tough new gun laws; shootings continue nightly.
WELL, HE'S HALFWAY THERE: ObamaCare Is the Right’s Worst Nightmare. Correctly stated, ObamaCare is America's worst nightmare.
FLORIDA GUN DEALER offers free gun to George Zimmerman. And an ATF inspection is scheduled in 5...4...3... .
AS I THINK I'VE SAID SEVERAL TIMES BEFORE, 'progressive' is a synonym for 'stupid'.