Wednesday, November 16, 2011

AMERICA: unworthy of its President. Or conversely.

UPDATE: We're sorry, Mr. President.
HEH: Obama admits he was born in Asia.
HISTORY LESSON: the inevitable fate of Occupy Wall Street. The Indians Native Americans learned; will the OWSers?
LIVE NOW ON FOX: Obama Addresses Australian Parliament(no link). My question: Does he speak Australian?
IS AMERICA past its prime?

On a related note, I've noticed more and more businesses advertising using Reagan's "shining city on a hill" metaphor. It seems the Obama administration is so downbeat that now businesses are trying to build up American optimism.
STATE DEPARTMENT denies playing politics in delaying controversial oil pipeline. Which is equivalent to denying the sun rises in the east.
ENOUGH IS ENOUGH: "Everyone agrees ... that the demonstrators have a perfect right to protest. But that right is not so elastic that permits them to destroy a community."

Except in the nation's capitol.
NOT TRUE: the media are the protesters.
THOMAS SOWELL on the Republican primaries: "What is remarkable is how seldom the smart money folks look at what has actually been happening in presidential elections."
BYRON YORK: Newt Gingrich's Wonkish, Unconventional Campaign. It's working.
NOW THE FDA is trying to kill smokers. What's next? Attack Nicorette?
OBAMA FOR PRESIDENT: an (invisible) unicorn in every garage.
'OCCUPY' COST TO THE TAXPAYER: Denver, $2,400,000; NYC, at least $5,000,000; San Francisco, $100,000 (but how do you tell the difference between an 'occupier' and a 'normal' San Franciscan?); Boston, at least $2,000,000; Portland, $750,000.

Latest developments here.
YOU CAN'T EVICT AN IDEA. Not even a really bad one?
WANTED: Adult For President. While I agree that the need for an adult is desperate, I'm not convinced Mitt Romney is the only adult in the room.
President Obama's various remarks at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation CEO business summit in Honolulu over the weekend show he is simply incapable of growing in office.
The statement would be more accurate if the phrase 'of growing in office' were deleted.
THE VOLOKH CONSPIRACY: Explaining the Diminishing Returns to Non-STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) Higher Education. Read the comments.