Friday, February 18, 2011

TO ESCAPE BLAME, be a victim, not a hero. Does that remind you of a President (and administration) you know?
HOUSE VOTES to defund Planned Parenthood.
OH MY: House passes amendment that would defund Obama’s czars. “I think this sends a strong signal to the president that we are tired of him running this shadow government, where they have got these czars that are literally circumventing the accountability and scrutiny that goes with Senate confirmation.,”

Linked from Hot Air.
NEVER MIND THE FACTS. We said it, so it must be true.
“TO QUOTE BILL HOBBS, ‘Democrats believe in democracy – except when they lose’.”

The only change I’d make to that statement is to replace ‘Democrats’ with the more general ‘liberals’ or ‘progressives’.
SO IT’S THE MEDIA versus Haley Barbour? Hmm. Which media? The mainstream media? Or the real media?
THE BUBBLE IS BURSTING: UNLV to Fire Tenured Faculty, Close Schools in Face of 'Fiscal Collapse'.

More here.
ALASKA GOVERNOR refuses to implement Obamacare.
TENNESSEE follows Wisconsin’s lead.