Sunday, July 21, 2013

MSNBC <=> STUPID. Again. MSNBC host wears tampon earrings to protest Texas abortion bill.

Sen. McCain, please unbundle cable....
OBAMACARE: passed by Congress, signed by the president, upheld by the Supreme Court, affirmed by Obama’s reelection -- and collapsing on its own.
FIVE MOVIE STARS whose careers are in trouble. Movie 'stars'? Four of the five I've never even heard of....
RAND PAUL: A union cloud over Obamacare as broken promises infuriate the president’s base.
ROBOT GYMNASTICS and other feats of daring.
POWERLINE'S WEEK IN PICTURES -- bankruptcy edition.

LIBERAL MALFEASANCE led to 'Stand Your Ground' laws.
JANET NAPOLITANO'S appointment as president of the University of California -- A Disastrous Choice: "Her appointment is the plain and cynical declaration that UC is dedicating itself to a certain kind of hackery that triumphs over scholarly principle."

Instapundit's been predicting for a while now that the 'education bubble' is about to burst. I think the Napolitano appointment shows that higher education, at least, hasn't gotten the message yet.
TOTO, I don't think we're in America any more.
PARENTAL NEGLECT: "My child is 'gifted'. He's also 29, unemployed, and living in my basement."
DAVID SOLWAY: The Snob Factor among Conservatives. While I agree with much of the post, I am less inclined to ascribe the rift to snobbery than I am to fear of (political) unemployment.
BIG SURPRISE: White House immigration ‘FACT’ not so factual after all.

Facts? Never let facts interfere with the narrative....
AMERICAN ENTERPRISE INSTITUTE: Five ways to generate at least 5 million new jobs by 2020.

I'm not convinced. As the commenters correctly note, none of the '5 ways' addresses the underlying problem, which is (liberal) culture.
JUSTICE FOR TRAYVON: Boycott oranges; oranges are grown in Florida.