Friday, August 20, 2010

CLASS ACT: W, the video.

Thanks, Don Surber.
TRANSPARENCY! Teachers union threatens to boycott the Los Angeles Times for reporting on teacher performance.

This from a union that won’t let the school system fire poor teachers.
BACK TO THE FUTURE PAST. This is getting old.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think Bush -- any Bush -- is running for office this year.
THE GREAT ENIGMA OF OUR POSTMODERN AGE is how American society grew so wealthy and free to create so many residents that became so angry at the conditions that have made them so privileged

Read it all.
PANIC AT THE WHITE HOUSE: ObamaCare isn’t what it used to be. Follow the link to the PowerPoint presentation.
MUSLIMS, NOT AMERICANS, are religious bigots.
BIG GOVERNMENT has become a big, waddling, sluggish beast, ever ready to boss you around, but not able to perform useful functions at anything but a plodding pace.
THE RIGHT TO LIE: Ninth Circuit says it exists. So – the First Amendment allows me to lie in court?
OUCH! “a cackle of rads.” And, no, Palin isn’t describing the cast of The View.
TIME MAGAZINE: ‘Hate speech’ against Muslims rising because, uh, we say so.

Typical liberals: if it offends my refined sensibilities, it must be hate speech since I cannot be wrong.

They’re journalists! So I expect them to be wanna-be politicians, operatives, activists, and spokesmen for the Left.

Linked from Hot Air.
PLEASE, no more teachable moments.
GAY MARRIAGE “BAN.” Gay activists (and much of the legacy media) argue that restricting marriage licenses to heterosexual couples is a “ban on gay marriage.” But ...

Calling the law a "ban" says its only purpose is to discriminate against homosexuals. By this reasoning, any law or policy that defines something is a "ban."

But a license to practice law or medicine is not a "ban" on those without law or medical degrees. It is recognition of the holder's qualifications. A state's requirements for a driver's license are not a "ban" on the underaged or the untrained.

Marriage as the union of a man and a woman predates all other human institutions. It was not created to annoy homosexuals. Marriage laws exclude all but one man and one unrelated woman. Yet I have not seen any media report the demise of the "incest ban," or the "polygamy ban" or the "bestiality ban." Just because homosexual activists have led the assault is not an excuse to pretend that marriage has only the purpose of excluding them.
The analogy is imperfect, obviously, but an interesting contrarian perspective nonetheless.