Monday, November 03, 2014

[PROGRESSIVELY] EDUCATED WHITE DEMOCRATS run blacks off their plantation. Good news for Republicans....
DEMOCRATS SO DISTRAUGHT they've canceled their wake.
NEW YORK TIMES: It's time for you bumpkins to let us urban, sophisticated, smug Democrats decide your elections for you.

The hubris - and ignorance - of these urban 'sophisticates' is simply astonishing. Here's one who seems to think that simply enjoying an unapproved treat (a corn-dog) makes one a 'bumpkin'.

This time the bumpkins are punching back. (Be sophisticated. Be smug. Vote Democrat.)
NEW YORK TIMES: We're losing, so it's time to cancel midterm elections. This part is especially revealing:
[D]uring midterm elections, the electorate has been whiter, wealthier, older and more educated than during presidential elections.
Which neatly explains why they're losing.
JUST ANOTHER BLINDING GLIMPSE OF THE OBVIOUS: In-car infotainment can distract drivers.
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON: On Tuesday we shall see whether Americans would prefer to be poorer, fleeced, and less safe just as long as they are not smeared as racists, sexists, homophobes, greedy, and selfish.
SO WHERE DID ALL THAT GLOBAL WARMING GO? Not the deep ocean, apparently.
ELECTION 2014: The dogs that aren't barking....
BE OFFENDED, but recognize that this is probably legal. It's what happens when government gets too big, too bureaucratic, and too powerful.

If all goes well, the Rosetta mission could perform the first-ever soft landing on a comet's surface.
FROM MY EMAIL: What is This Election About?
So what's this Election really about? Some would say - I have many times - that it's about the plethora of wrong choices that the Obama Administration and Democrats Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi have made over the past 6 years. ObamaCare, burgeoning national debt, a feckless foreign policy, the weakening of our nation's military forces, no border control, etc. The list would take up the whole page.

But I think this Election is about more than just electing Republicans, and I hope and pray we will. It's about whether or not tomorrow - November 4th 2014 - will be known as that day we stood up and said in one collective voice of firmness "Enough!"

Many of you know that I often talk about the founding vision. Why, because I believe it. And I believe that the Founders wanted us to secure the work of freedom that they left to us as a legacy. That requires that we sustain the revolution they won with blood, treasure, and tears. That means we protect the Constitution they wrote to order our revolution. But they did those two things. We didn't. What is left to us is our duty - our sacred duty - to sustain revolution and if we don't, the whole body of their efforts will perish. We sustain revolution in the American contest - as Os Guinness so artfully taught - through the "Golden triangle of Freedom"; that is freedom requires virtue; virtue requires faith of some sort, and faith of any sort requires freedom.

This sustainment construct is under attack in America. The far left wants to limit our freedoms for their purposes from speech, to our right to keep and bear arms, to the expanding intrusion of government in our lives. They are the party of big government to be sure. Virtue is in horrible decline in just about every aspect of life and devoid from the civics we teach our children in school. And the assault on religious expression has never been more virulent in our history.

Enough is enough. That's what a huge number of Christian pastors are doing this year by endorsing candidates from the pulpit, using Sunday sermons to defiantly flout tax rules. Their message to the IRS: Sue me. They are in a way doing what pastors did during our revolution before there was an IRS to threaten them. I think it is courageous that they are. Personally, I prefer that we use the pulpit for the gospel and then boldly carry the gospel out into the world where we live and work. But I do admire their courage in speaking truth about what confronts us today. Our Founders NEVER wanted to block the INFLUENCE of faith in public life even while they did not want the state to tell you what faith to follow. They understood that the virtue from faith was needed to sustain free people to make them worthy of self-governance. The left neither understands our likes this notion very much. But tomorrow, Election Day 2014, we can give them a lesson...but only if you vote. It's clear these pastors will ... and a bunch of their folks too....
Scott Ligamfelter is my representative in the Virginia House of Delegates.
WENDY DAVIS: Twilight of the Froot Loops.
HAS THE MYSTERY of Amelia Earhart's disappearance finally been resolved?
IT'S TIME to tell them to "Stuff it!" And "Sit down and shut up!"
WOULDN'T IT BE WONDERFUL? Harry Reid may not even be minority leader after Tuesday.
FROM MY EMAIL: In case you didn't notice, on January 1, 2014
The top Medicare tax went from 1.45% to 2.35%.
The top income tax bracket went from 35% to 39.6%.
The capital gains tax went from 15% to 28%.
The dividends tax went from 15% to 39.6%.
And the estate tax went from 0% to 55%.
Remember: these taxes were all passed under the Affordable Care Act, aka ObamaCare. They were passed with Democrat votes only; no Republican voted for these taxes.

Election Day is tomorrow, Tuesday, November 4. Vote!
NEW HAMPSHIRE DEMOCRAT: I'd rather spend your taxes than pay mine.

On the bright side, she did finally pay up.
WILL POLITICIANS EVER LEARN? After huge tax incentive package, Boeing still ships jobs out of Washington. One would think that eventually they would come to realize that the best strategy for keeping businesses in place is not to raise taxes in the first place.