Tuesday, February 26, 2019

ELIZABETH WARREN'S WEALTH TAX likely can't survive a court challenge.

But if it were to become law, you can bet it would kick in at one dollar more than her then-current wealth. It's not her wealth she wants taxed....
RANDOM THOUGHT: Democrats, Socialists, and the Far Left more generally exist for the sole purpose of spending other people's money.

And control. Never forget control.
NICK SANDMANN sues the Washington Post. $250M isn't enough but it might discourage the Post in the future.

MORE: Others to come? Sandmann's attorneys sent preservation letters to more than 50 media organizations, celebrities and politicians – including the New York Times, CNN, Sen. Elizabeth Warren [D(umb)-MA], and the Hollyweird (Bill Maher, Alyssa Milano, Jim Carrey, Debra Messing, and Kathy Griffin) among others.

With decent juries, Sandmann deserves to emerge a billionaire....