Friday, June 14, 2019

AN INTELLIGENT COMMENT from a Don Surber post (capitalization added):
What are the Gimmiecrats offering? Two dozen who all claim they can outsteal the rest. As Mencken said, an election is an advance sale of stolen goods.
The Dems brag how much they can steal.
Trump's trying to stop to stop the steal.
The art of the deal vs the art of the steal.
Surber's post is here.
RANDOM THOUGHT: Once again New Yorkers are complaining that they pay out more in taxes than they bring back in federal grants. Isn't that the point of 'tax the rich' progressivism?
CYBERSECURITY: These are the internet-of-things devices that are most targeted by hackers.
BECAUSE IT'S WHITE? Growing cauliflower is so ... colonial.
HEH: Environmentalists underbussed by Obama supporters.
WHOSE CHILDREN? Nothing causes liberal tears to flow like separating children from their parents at the Southern border:
In a pilot program, approximately 30% of rapid DNA tests of immigrant adults who were suspected of arriving at the southern border with children who weren’t theirs revealed the adults were not related to the children….
So where is the Democrat outrage at separating children from their parents before the Southern border?
#METOO is both stupid and harmful to women.
RANDOM THOUGHT about tariffs as taxes. It's not a tax if you don't buy. There are always alternatives to Chinese goods.
PROGRESSIVE COLONIALISM, SOUTHERN DISCOMFORT: For all you Blue State refugees who want to bring your progressive culture with you: "I have an idea! All y'all could pack up your progressive colonialism ethic and go the hell back home."
BERNIE SANDERS explains Democratic Socialism.
FAIR WARNING: The Social Security 2100 Act would significantly harm Americans. That truth is obvious to anyone with a working brain, and the solution is equally obvious.

Which is what I've been advocating for years....
POWERLINE: The border crisis deepens.

PowerLine's post is almost a month old, and it's only getting worse.