Thursday, May 09, 2013

HEH: Mock him.

UPDATE: Drudge too.
ANN COULTER on 'liberal Evangelicals': "Adopting a classic liberal trait, these Christians incapable of abstract thinking seem to believe that true compassion consists of giving away something that isn’t theirs."
BRING ON the transporter beam.
NEWT GINGRICH: Sanford wins in South Carolina; Obama/Pelosi are big losers.
SOME THOUGHTS on the cost of amnesty. The Heritage Foundation report (here) estimates the lifetime (assimilation) cost of the amnesty provisions in the current immigration bill to be on the order of $6 trillion. If one assumes that complete assimilation takes about 40 years, it comes out to roughly $150 billion/year.
HEH: Mock him.
JONAH GOLDBERG explains why only the utterly shameless dare go into politics.
"IF ONE IS STRATEGIZING on how to improve the lives of the poorest black people, he wants to leave off his to-do list election of Democrats and black politicians. Also to be left off the to-do list is a civil rights agenda. Racial discrimination has little to do with major problems confronting black people."
TEACH GUN SAFETY in classrooms and leave sex education to parents. Plan B won’t save young people from incurable STDs, but ... the more young people know about guns, the safer our society will be.
WHAT HEALTH 'INSURANCE' DOESN'T DO ... improve health.
OUR POLITICAL CLASS: even BBs are of higher caliber.
CONGRESS: ObamaCare is to complicated to read, so let's pass it and fix it (for us) later.
THOMAS SOWELL: Redefining words to avoid thinking.
GUN CONTROLLERS, you really don't want to wake the dragon.
[T]he reason we can’t have a rational gun debate is because the anti-gun side pre-supposes that their pro-gun opponents must first accept that guns are bad in order to have a discussion about guns in the first place. Before we even start the conversation, we’re the bad guys and we have to admit it. Without accepting that guns are bad and supplicating themselves to the anti-gunner, the pro-gunner can’t get a word in edgewise, and is quickly reduced to being called a murderer, or a low, immoral and horrible human being.

How can we “gun people” honestly be expected to come to the table with anti-gunners when anti-gunners are willfully stupid about guns, and openly hate, despise and ridicule those of us who own them?
Awakened dragons can be irritable. Read it all.