Saturday, May 05, 2012

MICHELLE MALKIN: Mamas, Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be "Julia".
NEW MEDIA VS. OLD MEDIA: the new media is winning.
DR. HELEN SMITH: The Men in Julia's Life.
MARK STEYN celebrates the diversity of composite Americans.
THE PERFECT RESPONSE: Barack Obama’s current campaign slogan is “Forward.” Mitt Romney promptly responded, "What, over the cliff?" The linked video has a nice touch with the flag at the end.
OBAMA CAMPAIGN KICKOFF: Hope, change, and 20% fewer voters.
MAY DAY OCCUPIERS offer quaint alternatives to capitalism.

My favorite (on what to use for money): "We don't buy cigarettes; we just bum them from others." Absolutely zero awareness that someone must have bought them in the first place.
LIBERALS need not apply.

Why the unemployment rate is so high....
ANOTHER GAFFE from the most incompetent administration ever.

Can you spot it? The answer is here.
WASHINGTON POST EDITORIAL: The EPA is earning a reputation for abuse.
The lesson for ... President Obama ... is clear: The agency’s officers must have a clear sense when to deploy its mighty power and when to exercise discretion. That’s true for the sake of the economy and to ensure that the EPA will be able to continue its necessary work for years to come.
My question: what 'necessary work'?
IF YOU VOTED FOR OBAMA IN 2008 to show you weren’t racist, vote against him in 2012 to show you’re not stupid.
STAR MURDERED; black hole blamed.
OBAMA MUST BE ANNOYED; Kings aren't supposed to have to campaign.
ORWELLIAN NEWSPEAK: Forward means backward.
SONIC CRUISER returns, quietly.