Friday, June 07, 2013

A PEEK INTO THE MIND (I use that word loosely) of an anti-human environmentalist. It's not pretty.

I often wonder why they're so willing to sacrifice me when it would be so much easier to sacrifice themselves.
RAMESH PONNURU: Obama’s Dangerous Contempt for the Rule of Law.
THE STRANGE CASE of True the Vote vs the IRS ... and lots of other bureaucrats.

According to Jim McDermott (D-WA) it's Catherine Engelbrecht's fault for applying for tax-exempt status in the first place.
GET READY FOR RATE SHOCK: In California, Obamacare To Increase Individual Health Insurance Premiums By 64-146%. More here.

UPDATE: the Washington Post's Ezra Klein disagrees, and Avik Roy responds.
UNDER OBAMACARE you cannot be denied coverage or charged extra for preexisting conditions. Right, no higher charges for preexisting conditions ... unless you smoke, or are overweight, or have any other politically incorrect habit.

'Change' defined - to change you for the better (as we define better).

President Obama strolled out to the podium today in San Jose, CA and was immediately at a loss for words. Not only did the President not have teleprompter, his aides forgot his speech.

Photo via Althouse.
POLITICO: The Lois Lerner state and the rise of the fourth branch of government.

And the Fourth Estate has become the Lapdog Estate....
MORE OBAMA SNOOPING: Can you track me now?
INTELLIGENCE CHIEF blasts leaks after web surveillance program revealed.

This looks to me like an Administration afraid of serious jail time. They should be; this is well beyond the 'tar and feathers' level.
HMM. IRS officials visit White House 322 times since 2011. For a so-called 'independent agency' one must wonder why.
POOR NAIVE EZRA KLEIN: Politics Was Hijacked by Partisans. Oh, come on ... 'politics' and 'partisan' are essentially synonyms. What disturbs Ezra is the number of normally uninvolved citizens (read that as 'voters') trying desperately to drag our political class back to the center.

The Tea Party is extreme only if you're a committed socialist.
DEMOCRATS: Your health care premiums are going up under ObamaCare -- and that's a good thing.
The National Security Agency's seizure and surveillance of virtually all of Verizon's phone customers is an astounding assault on the Constitution.

After revelations that the IRS targeted political dissidents and the Department of Justice seized reporters' phone records, it would appear that this Administration has now sunk to a new low.

When Sen. Mike Lee and I offered an amendment that would attach Fourth Amendment protections to the FISA bill last year, it was defeated.

And FISA passed by an overwhelming majority of the Senate.

At the time, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid remarked that FISA was "necessary to protect us from the evil in this world."

The Bill of Rights was designed to protect us from evil, too.

Particularly that evil which always correlates with concentrated government power.

I put together a video last fall to explain that exact point.
Here's the video:

"[I]T TURNS OUT that the f***ing Nascar [sic] retards got 2008 right, far more than the Juiceboxers or their fellow leftists at the Economist did."

Linked from Instapundit.
FACTS? FACTS?? We don't need no stinking facts....

CAMPUS BANS GUNS, tells people to nod at attackers.
DAILY CALLER: the first annual College Stupidity Awards.

They could just as easily be called the College 'Political Correctness' Awards.
WASHINGTON EXAMINER: Yes, there's still a debt problem. It's not going away.
CAL THOMAS: The coming Obamacare disaster.
The Internal Revenue Service, which will enforce Obamacare's individual and employer mandates, announced in February, according to, that the "cheapest health insurance plan available in 2016 for a family will cost $20,000...."
For $20,000 bucks I should be able to buy catastrophic hospitalization insurance, pay cash for the rest, and still have money to spare. But I won't, because Obama knows what's best for me.