Tuesday, May 04, 2010

ONE PLANE AT A TIME. “Actor, environmental activist and pilot Harrison Ford, who owns seven airplanes, told his environmental critics that he will 'start walking everywhere when they start walking everywhere.' ... In commenting on his seven planes, Ford told CNSNews.com: 'I only fly one of them at a time’ ...”

And I can drive only one of my cars at a time, so surely Mr. Ford will have no problem with my buying a third....
ROGER SIMON ARGUES that the real reason continue to accuse Tea Partiers of racism is that they have no other options - contemporary American-style liberalism is in rigor mortis.

I have a simpler reason: liberals – if they lose – will have to go to work.
MICHAEL BARONE: when policy fails, pivot to politics.
THE MOST POWERFUL NAME IN NEWS. Fox News had a full-page promotional ad in Monday’s Washington Post touting its daily news lineup. Listed were Megyn Kelly, Shepard Smith, Neil Cavuto, and Glenn Beck.

Not listed was Bret Baier, who in my opinion is the only real journalist in the daily lineup.
If the uninsured need and deserve medical protection, then surely the hungry should receive nourishment, the homeless ought to get housing, the unemployed require jobs and, ultimately, a compassionate nation must provide automotive transport for all who might otherwise feel trapped, immobile, hopeless and helpless ....

Wouldn’t an advanced society committed to social justice concentrate on giving the public the sturdy, sensible cars they needed rather than stimulating their animal appetites with the sleek, expensive, glitzy and ultimately impractical cars they wanted?
Certainly - and here's the Government Motors (GM) 2011 Obummer.
GEICO FIRES VOICE-OVER ACTOR for insulting FreedomWorks and Tea Partiers. The voicemail is here.

And here is the "nonviolent" Left's response to FreedomWorks airing of the actor's insult. It's vile stuff - neither work or child safe.

Linked from Hot Air.
THERE IS A WAR BETWEEN RANCHERS AND ENVIRONMENTALISTS IN THE WEST — and the environmentalists are funded by the taxpayers.

Why is this a surprise? Pick your favorite progressive NGO and it will almost certainly be partially government-funded.
McCAIN TO OBAMA: Don't like the new Arizona immigration law? Then secure the border.
McCain is not exactly known for his hawkishness on immigration. But he's exactly right -- Arizona's tough new law would not be necessary if the federal government fulfilled its responsibility to secure the border.
BACK TO THE VICTIM/RACE/GENDER CARD: Obama calls on “young people, African Americans, Latinos and women" to deliver for Democrats in November.

Quite a difference from his One America speech in 2004, eh?

More here and here.
A VIEW FROM INSIDE (?) NASA. This came to me in a roundabout fashion as an email gone viral.

It's finally Friday Eve. We've had an interesting week at work with an all-hands meeting with the Constellation Manager and, currently, a Senate Hearing with Bolden. I just read an interesting opinion piece.... I found it to be right on the money and sums things up very well. I don't know who this person is, but ... his thoughts ring true with many of the NASA workerbees.
The post referred to is here. For what it’s worth, it tracks with other opinions I respect.