Thursday, December 19, 2013

THE 'CREATIVE CLASS': Kick 'em while they're down (and keep kicking).
CHRISTMAS DAY SPACEWALK? Astronauts will go outside to fix space station.
A woman was playing golf when she took a big swing and fell.

The party waiting behind her was a group from Washington DC that included Barack Obama.

Barack quickly stepped forward and helped her to her feet.

She thanked him and started to leave when he said,

"I'm Barack Obama and I hope you'll vote Democratic in the next election.”

She laughed and quickly said, "I fell on my ass, not my head!”
From my email.
MODERN CENSORS: 'Tolerance for me, but not for thee.'
RAND SIMBERG: Is an Obsession With Safety Stifling Space Exploration? The answer is 'yes'.
THE OBAMACARE GENERATION: The young have been had. When you're young and stupid, you get taken advantage of -- that's a fact of life. But the young and stupid don't worry me, for the most part they'll grow up sadder and wiser.

It's the old and stupid I worry about, for they never grew up.
GET ENROLLED: Based on this video, I'd flee ObamaCare as fast as I could. It's been obvious to almost any thinking person for at least the last two years that ObamaCare is nothing more than PanderCare with the rest of us funding it. The video is just icing on the PanderCare cake.

Linked from Hot Air.
IT'S GOOD NEWS if it leads to fewer politicians.
MORE MOCKING PAJAMA BOY OBAMA: "After all, the president is the ultimate socially conscious young(-ish) male progressive and he doesn’t dress in a onesie for bed. Right?"

I wouldn't be too sure of that....
IF ONLY this ad (or something very similar) could have aired in October of 2012....