Friday, July 19, 2013

TECHWISE CONVERSATIONS: We’re Being Enslaved by Free Information.

What I find interesting about this article is the similarity to the excise tax proposal I linked to here.
THINK PROGRESS goes bananas [nothing new there] because McDonalds has the temerity to try to help their low-wage employees learn to budget.

And their 'recommendation' is ... what? Unemployment? Welfare? Nope. Reading the nuance between the lines, which is what liberals do so well, it is for McDonalds to go out of business.

Which results in ... unemployment ... and welfare.
HEH: "Turn Detroit into a national park, to show our kids the wonders of 'Government Help'.”

My suggestion for revitalizing Detroit is to move Congress there.
PEGGY NOONAN: A Bombshell in the IRS Scandal.
This is the moment things go forward or stall. Republicans need to find out how high the scandal went and why, exactly, it went there.
To quote an American hero: "Let's roll."
OBAMA IN 2012: "‘We refused to let Detroit go bankrupt.’ Until after the election....." More here.

Shamelessly stolen from Instapundit.
WHAT'S NEXT? Targeting mothers for giving parenting advice to their daughters?

Via Instapundit.
PUNCH BACK TWICE AS HARD: Alaska challenges Obama administration over ANWR. If Obama can just ignore Congress, then why shouldn't states just ignore him?

In fact, why shouldn't we all -- individuals, towns, cities, states -- just ignore him and dare this petty dictator to do something about it?
DETROIT: Liberalism's inevitable end [with pictures].
BIG LABOR FINDS OUT: If you lie down with dogs, you will get up with fleas.
WHAT TO DO when the sun goes out.
HUH? Barefoot running shoes?
REPEAL 'STAND YOUR GROUND': it's benefitting too many blacks.
OBAMA: 'Top Down' government and 'Trickle Down' economics -- the worst of both worlds.
COLORADO DEMOCRAT afraid to let his kids play with Nerf guns after Zimmerman verdict. I pity his kids; the man's really screwed up.
"AFTER GOV. RICK PERRY signed the bipartisan HB2 [20-week restriction on abortions] into law today, Planned Parenthood reports that it will now close three of its operations in Texas. Clinics in Bryan, Huntsville and Lufkin will now shutter."

"How can this be, if only 3% of Planned Parenthood’s business is abortion services?"
STRUGGLING ARTISTS: Nancy Pelosi may want you to pursue your dreams on my nickel; I don't.
THE DOJ'S Zimmerman tip line gets it's first call.

Many more tips here.
ARMED CITIZEN PROJECT sponsors gun buyback to arm more people.

A buyback program I can support.
I'D PAY for one located outside the White House.
MICHELLE OBAMA’S AMERICA: Schools now rely on junk food sales to make ends meet.
The Michelle Obama-backed Healthy and Hunger Free Kids Act and its restrictive regulations mandating the number of calories and nutrients in every kid’s meal have caused school districts to lose money due to a huge drop in school lunch sales.

While a few school districts are opting out of the program altogether, others have been subsidizing their operating losses with increased sales of fatty, sugary, calorie-laden junk food.
You can't make this stuff up.