Tuesday, November 23, 2010

THE UNDEREMPLOYED UNIVERSITY GRADUATE: Is it socially responsible ... "to encourage individuals to enroll in college and accumulate massive debt when the benefits are becoming increasingly uncertain?"

Good question. But better questions are "Who are the underemployed graduates?" and "Are they really underemployed?"
THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION -- Americans Against Prosperity.
REPUBLICAN MESSAGE more popular with voters than Republicans are. No, it's the Tea Party message that's more popular than Republicans.
IT'S HARD OUT HERE for a messiah.
THE WELFARE STATE versus private charity.

[T]here is actually a lot of historical evidence that private sector institutions often do a better job than the state in aiding the poor as well as the rich and middle class. But even if you believe, as I do, that some degree of government redistribution to the poor is needed, that doesn’t justify anything remotely resembling today’s overgrown government. Indeed, redistribution to the genuinely needy would be far easier to maintain if it weren’t for the looming fiscal crisis created in large part by enormous bailouts and entitlement programs that mostly benefit the nonpoor.
Link from Instapundit.
TAXI OF TOMORROW. Now government is designing taxis? To be built overseas?
ANYONE WONDER why California is going broke? Here's a list of funded State agencies:

Academic Performance Index (API)
Access for Infants and Mothers
Acupuncture Board
Administrative Office of the Courts
Adoptions Branch
African American Museum
Agricultural Export Program
Agricultural Labor Relations Board
Agricultural Statistics Service
Air Resources Board (CARB)
Allocation Board
Alternative Energy and Advanced Transportation Financing Authority
Animal Health and Food Safety Services
Anti-Terrorism Information Center
Apprenticeship Council
Arbitration Certification Program
Architects Board
Area VI Developmental Disabilities Board
Arts Council
Asian Pacific Islander Legislative Caucus
Assembly Democratic Caucus
Assembly Republican Caucus
Athletic Commission *
Attorney General
And those are just the As. The rest are listed at Maggie's Farm.

[Update] Another reason California is going bankrupt.
ON THE UPSIDE ... more government control.
THE CASE FOR MONARCHY -- at least then you know who is screwing you.
IT'S NOT ABOUT EDUCATION, it's about profit.
THE GREAT U-TURN: the ship of state turns slowly, but it will turn. Now it's up to the American voters to set the course.
OBAMA REGULATIONS threatens colleges. "The new regulations ... will mandate that America's private higher-education institutions must follow new federal guidelines in order to be accredited. Also at stake is whether those private institutions could accept students with government loans or grants."

Of course, the "federal guidelines" are TBD. It's time to abolish the Department of Education.
I THOUGHT I was the only one.
JEFF JACOBY: What public sector unions have wrought.
OIKOPHOBIA: "a stage through which the adolescent mind normally passes."

So progressives are oiks?

Linked from Instapundit.
TEA PARTY has elites on the run.

The tea party movement will assert middle-class values, economic nationalism, patriotism and other concepts derided by post-modern elitists. The movement's central tenets -- small government, decentralization of power and end to profligate spending -- are precisely what [historian Christopher] Lasch prescribed to restore American democracy [The Revolt of the Elites and the Betrayal of Democracy].

The elite's fear and loathing of the tea party movement is rooted in the recognition that the real change is only now coming.
The next two years will be 'interesting.' Read the whole thing.
NEW JERSEY GOVERNOR CHRIS CHRISTIE tells of apology from President of Teachers Union.

Keep it up, Gov. Christie ... and loan some of that backbone to the Republicans in Congress.