Tuesday, November 26, 2013

US-AFGHAN SECURITY PACT in jeopardy as Karzai makes new demands. The U.S. should take him at his word and start immediately withdrawing troops and funds from Afghanistan.
COLORADO OBAMACARE ENROLLMENT ‘barely half the state’s worst-case projection’.

Much more here.
DOWN GO THE TEMPERATURES, and away go the bureaucrats to the Caribbean.

Being a control freak member of the ruling class is sooo demanding....
OBAMA CALLS CONGRESS the ‘biggest impediment’ to his agenda. Right now it's the only impediment to his agenda.
THE FLIM-FLAM MAN EXPOSED: All you need to know is in the video.
AS ISSUES LOOM IN D.C., Obama heads west to raise cash.

Well, fundraising is all he's good at....
IEEE ROUNDUP: Is the Smart Grid Secure, Safe, and Private?

Safe? Yes, if you believe it's safe to hold a cell phone to your ear several hours a day. Secure and Private? Assurances to the contrary, not so much.
OBAMACARE and liberal cruelty:
So we have the Obamacare Democratic Party that earned the respect and loyalty of [those who] ... want the government to help them and everyone with everything -- jobs, school, health care, food, arts, science, what you are allowed to drive and wear and eat and do, even what light bulb to buy. They think government is capable of doing these things. Worse, they think government can be trusted to do a capable and a fair job. And they are willing to pay for it with their freedom.

They want the government to take over more and more of our lives, in order to take care of more and more able-bodied adults. They want the government to have the power to throw people off the bridge, because it will be for the greater good.
Read it all.
LOOK! MORE SQUIRRELS: What comes next as Obamacare ruins Obama's presidency?
GOOD NEWS: 'Do-nothing' Congress on track for one of least productive years ever. With luck, next year will be better even less productive.
OOPSIE! Ad Pushing For Boeing Jet Uses Airbus Plane In Picture. An "embarrassing, cringe-worthy error."
OBAMACARE is forcing people into Medicaid. But it's not a death panel. Oh, no. Never.
NEWT GINGRICH: The Death of the Senate.
HEH: US got Iran talks strategy from Disney School of Diplomacy.
OLD NEWS: Obama Administration Delays Next Year’s Enrollment Period Until After the 2014 Midterms.

Just a reminder that it was done illegally, by administratio fiat.

Linked from Instapundit.
MOTHER JONES: What if rich people got more votes? Well, for one, we might have a wealthier society.
YES. NEXT QUESTION: Did HHS’ Healthcare.gov Project Chief Lie to Congress About Healthcare.gov’s ‘Anonymous Shopper’ Function?
THAT HIGH? Only 4 in 10 think Obama is a competent manager.
UPDATE: Yesterday I posted this:
SPEAKER JOHN BOEHNER attempts to sign up for ObamaCare. He fails, even on his gold-plated website.
TODAY FOX NEWS reports that he has succeeded in signing up: Boehner seeing his premiums double, deductibles triple under ObamaCare.