Saturday, January 12, 2019

BEST TWITTER COMMENT EVER: "We really need to hire a better caliber of ruling class to sneer down at us."

From this Twitter post.
AMMO GRRRLL writes on 2019 and the 2020 election:
I think that no matter how many human errors The President makes, that we can count on the Depraved Democrats to do whatever is the one thing that will irritate the electorate enough to re-elect DJT.
Now go read it all.
JOE LIEBERMAN: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez isn't the future of the Democrat Party. He's right; she's the future of a defunct Democrat party.
MEXICO ALSO PAYS THE COST of not having a border wall.

Here's an idea: the U.S. pays for a wall on our southern border; Mexico pays for a wall on their southern border. It would be a win for both countries.
DEAR DIARY: President Trump and his son double-team Jim Acosta.
'GIRLY' MEN: What are the demographics of (male) psychologists?

That's been my experience as well.
POWERLINE'S WEEK IN PICTURES (government shutdown edition) is up. It is so good this week - and so long - that I forced myself to pick this non-political cartoon as my favorite:

Now go and enjoy the political cartoons.
STROKING THEIR OWN EGOS because no one else will.
MICHAEL RAMIREZ catches Jim Acosta in a rare moment of self-reflection.
CLIMATE CHANGE: Snowfalls are just a thing of the past.

Oh? It's snowing in Virginia as I post this. I wouldn't be surprised to see our rain here in Georgia to turn to snow.
SO NEXT we have 'unwanted vagina visitors'?
RULES ARE FOR LITTLE PEOPLE: Ocasio-Cortez campaign fined for not providing worker's compensation.
MAYBE, JUST MAYBE the Democrats should share blame for the government shutdown?
CHRISTIAN JUST VOTING FOR WHICHEVER POLITICAL PARTY less likely to make his faith illegal.

It's supposed to be satire; sadly it really isn't.
JIM ACOSTA: I’m here at the border in front of some fencing and don’t see any “emergency”.

Um, Jim, maybe that's because there's a wall fence there?
IF THE DEMOCRATS WANT TO LOSE THE WALL FIGHT, all they have to do is keep talking.
ISN'T MATH WONDERFUL: solving one of the great issues of our time.