Saturday, August 13, 2011

A DIGITAL DARK AGE: Will your grandchildren know what you look like as a child? I'm not convinced that preserving today's trivia is worth the time and effort. I also know I'm likely in the minority.
GOV. RICK PERRY: America needs new leadership.
INSANITY: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

This is Tigger: he's a 100 lb golden retreiver who has been 'visiting' our house for the last few days.

This is Daisy: she is our 14 lb part-Siamese cat.

The bed on which Daisy is sleeping used to be Tigger's -- which may explain his morose expression.
PRESIDENT OBAMA'S really bad week.
LANNY DAVIS: Are you Tea Partiers happy now? You shouldn't be.

Well, I'm not exactly happy, but happier than I was. There's still much more work to go.
BELLADONNA ROGERS scatters liberal twerp parts all over the landscape. Bravo!
A WHIFF OF GRAPESHOT: "A society that does not have the will to defend itself is doomed."
IS GLOBAL WARMING melting Al Gore's brain? No -- you can't melt a vacuum.
GOV. PERRY announces; Chris Matthews continues to prove himself an idiot.
CLOSE THE BS GAP: shut up.