Sunday, April 15, 2012

"FEMINISTS don't want to expand choices available to young women so much as they want to limit the options to feminist-approved categories."
NOT PRETTY: the true cost of ObamaCare.
NICE WORK IF YOU CAN GET IT: $205,000 to move a shrub.
THE LEFT'S war on women is actually a war on families.
OBAMA'S ACHILLES HEEL is his economic performance, but "Romney will need to reassure the base while reaching out to moderates, to cut down on gaffes but find a way to connect with voters, and to indict Obama’s record without seeming mean-spirited."

Like that'll bring in a lot of money....

Please don't tell him they're leaving, not entering.

Many, many more here. Linked from Instapundit.
RANDOM THOUGHTS from the retirement lane: I wonder if the reason the Democrats hate stay-at-home Moms is that they're not paying taxes (directly, at least).