Friday, August 19, 2011

WISHFUL THINKING? "A team of American researchers ... speculate that extraterrestrial environmentalists could be so appalled by our planet-polluting ways that they view us as a threat to the intergalactic ecosystem and decide to destroy us."
THE ANKLE-BITERS are getting tiring.
TECHNOLOGY: Medical tattoos and hacking humans.
DOGS ARE DEMOCRATS; CATS ARE REPUBLICAN; and both are smarter than the average Congresscritter.
PAULA DEEN ON ANTHONY BOURDAIN: "[S]omeone ... peed in his bowl of cereal...."
WHEN YOU CAN'T WIN THE ARGUMENT, demand your opponents be silenced.
OPTIMAL WEIGHT? Government hasn't a clue how much you should weigh.

It's about control; obesity wouldn't be an issue if the government hadn't decided to pick up the tab for medical care.
MYRA ADAMS: The Divided State of America Can Not Stand. Read the comments; 'compromise' has no votes....
SO WELFARE is stimulative and chronic unemployment is just an extended vacation?

ALLEN WEST: "We have not overcome."
"32 MONTHS AFTER HIS INAUGURATION, 28 months after the unemployment rate first surged past 9 percent -- Obama will propose a "very specific" jobs package. In September. Following a well-deserved vacation."

Well deserved?
SOLVING A NON-PROBLEM: "President Obama issued an executive order Thursday intended to coordinate a 'government-wide initiative to promote diversity and inclusion in the federal workforce.'... According to the OPM, minorities represented 38.8 percent of the federal workforce last year, while 43.9 percent of the federal workforce was female."

Obama in action (inaction).
PERRY PLAYS Obama, media like a fiddle. Preston is a Perry supporter, but if his interpretation is even remotely correct Perry will be a formidable candidate.
NOTHING NICE: What Obama’s Brush with the Tea Party Reveals About Him.