Wednesday, June 25, 2014


Thanks, Mr. President.
I KNEW IT! If you feel ugly, you’re twice as likely to donate to the Occupy Movement.
BARACK OBAMA: not even a 'smidgen' of corruption at the IRS. He'd have been correct if he'd said not even a smidgen of honesty....
IT'S ALL ABOUT THE BENJAMINS: There Is No Republican Primary in Mississippi.

Crony capitalism at its best. (Or worst, depending on how you look at it.)
SOME THOUGHTS on the liberals' smear machine.
DEMOCRATS: Lois Lerner's computer crashed because we taxpayers didn't give the IRS enough money.
ENVIRONMENTALISM: More Greenpeace hypocrisy.
THREE KEY MOMENTS from Monday night's IRS hearing.
AN URBAN REALITY: Smart Cities. It sounds good, but I'm still reminded of Asimov's Caves of Steel, "vast city complexes covered by huge metal domes, capable of supporting tens of millions each ... extended to a point where no one ever exits to the outside world."

No, thanks.

Related: much more here if you're interested in that sort of thing. I'm not.
NATIONAL REVIEW ONLINE: summing up yesterday's primary elections.
GIVE US MORE FREE STUFF: Establishment Wins in Mississippi. Cochran ran as a first-class porker and Democrat trough-feeders put him over the top.